PharmaTutor (May- 2015)
Print-ISSN: 2394 - 6679
e-ISSN: 2347 - 7881
(Volume 3, Issue 5)
Received On: 16/12/2014; Accepted On: 19/02/2015; Published On: 01/05/2015
AUTHORS: Akash M Patel*, Viren N Sisodiya
* Faculty of Pharmacy,
Dharmsinh Desai University, Nadiad-387001, Gujarat
ABSTRACT: Taste is an important factor in the development of dosage form. The problem of bitter and obnoxious taste of drug in pediatric patient can create a bad psychological effect on mind. The purpose of this research was to mask the intensely bitter taste of Linezolid using ion exchange resin and to formulate the dry syrup of the taste masked drug. When suspension is swallowed the bitter taste of the drug may not be felt as ion exchange resin does not release the drug at salivary pH. When it comes in contact with acidic environment of stomach, the complex will be broken down releasing the drug which may then absorbed. Batch method was used for formation of drug resin complex. Various ion exchange resin like different grade of kyron and indion 214 were used for masking the bitter taste. Optimization of drug loading was carried out. Indion 214 was selected as a optimized resin with 84.47 % drug loading. Dry syrup was made using suspending agent like gellan gum, guar gum and CMC and evaluated for various parameters like colour, odour, taste, viscosity, sedimentation volume, redispersibility, % drug content, drug release. By evaluating all the parameter the batch formulation contained guar gum 3 % was the best one amongst all the other formulations.
How to cite this article: AM Patel, VN Sisodiya; Formulation and Evaluation of Dry Syrup Containing Linezolid; PharmaTutor; 2015; 3(5); 42-48

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