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Flash Chromatography: Area & Applications

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PharmaTutor (May- 2014)
ISSN: 2347 - 7881


Received On: 28/02/2014; Accepted On: 25/03/2014; Published On: 01/05/2014


Author: Ayare P*, Khanvilkar V, Chalak N
Department of Quality Assurance,
Bharati Vidyapeeth’s College of Pharmacy, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.


Most of the sophisticated analytical techniques like NMR, MS and FT-IR need sample in the extreme pure form which is usually achieved by Preparative column chromatography but it is time consuming. From past few decades, technique called as Flash chromatography is developed which is a modification of Preparative column chromatography. This is an air pressure driven technique comprising of medium and short column chromatography, optimised for rapid separation of organic compounds. Modern flash chromatographic system consists of pre-packed plastic cartridges wherein solvent is pumped through the cartridges to achieve separation. These systems are also linked with detectors and fraction collectors which can even be automated. It is a simple, fast and economic approach to preparative liquid chromatography for purification of chemical species.This review highlights the principle involved, instrumentation, general procedure and advancement in Flash chromatography along with its applications.

How to cite this article: P Ayare, V Khanvilkar, N Chalak; Flash Chromatography: Area & Applications; PharmaTutor; 2014; 2(5); 89-103