PharmaTutor (May- 2014)
ISSN: 2347 - 7881
Received On: 28/03/2014; Accepted On: 04/03/2014; Published On: 01/05/2014
Author: Nandu Kayande1*, Pankaj Kushwah2
1Department of Pharmacology
2Department of Pharmacognosy
Nimar Institute of Pharmacy, Dhamnod,
Dhar, Madhya Pradesh, India
The aim of presents study is to evaluate antidiabetic (Hypoglycemic) effect of Gymnema Sylvestre extract in alloxan induced diabetic Swiss albino mice. These aqueous extract were used for the study. The Swiss albino mice weighing 25 to 30 gm were used for the study. Mice were administered orally with the aqueous extracts of Gymnema Sylvestrewith dose of 200 mg/kg, 400 mg/kg and 500 mg/kg. body weight from period of day 1 to 28 days. The study reveals that the all the three doses shows the significant decrease in blood glucose level. This study shows the significant activity of gymnema sylvestre extracts against alloxan induced diabetes. These prove the guava fruit is pancreatic protective and hypoglycemic in nature.
How to cite this article: N Kayande, P Kushwah; Antidibetic Evaluation of Gymnema Sylvestre Extracts in Experimental Animals; PharmaTutor; 2014; 2(5); 120-123

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