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PharmaTutor (March - 2018)
ISSN: 2347 - 7881
(Volume 6, Issue 3)
Received On: 06/01/2018; Accepted On: 08/01/2018; Published On: 01/03/2018
Priyanka. Kura, Ashwini. Patlolla, Alluri. Ramesh, Vishwanadham. Y*
Department of Medicinal Chemistry Research Division,
Vishnu Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (VIPER),
Medak, Telangana, India
The anti-inflammatory drug activity of petroleum ether (Pet.ether) extract of leaves pentas lanceolata was investigated in rat’s exploitation egg albumen induced paw oedema model. Experimental animals received 20-25 gms (orally) of the extracts five groups divided., control group (saline), test group 50, 100, 200 mg/ kg the standard group received 15 mg/ kg of diclofenac. The results show that the extracts considerably (p <0.05) reduced paw oedema within the albumen induced anti-inflammatory drug activity. The leaf extract of pentas lanceolata reduced inflamed hind paw diameter of mice by between 0.98%- 3.99% The diclofenac reduced inflamed hind paw diameter by between 1.12%-4.02%. The qualitative phytochemical screening indicated the presence of saponins, flavonoid, alkaloids, terpenoids and cardiac glycosides. The current study establishes potent antiinflammatory activities of pet ether extracts of pentas lanceolata leaves.
How to cite this article: Kura P, Patlolla A, Alluri R, Vishwanadham Y; Phytochemical screening and albumin induced antiinflammatory activity of Pentas Lanceolata leaves; PharmaTutor; 2018; 6(3); 27-31; http://dx.doi.org/10.29161/PT.v6.i3.2018.27

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