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Solubility Enhancement of poorly Water Soluble Drug by Spherical Crystallization Technique

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PharmaTutor (March - 2017)


ISSN: 2347 - 7881
(Volume 5, Issue 3)


Received On: 20/08/2016; Accepted On: 23/11/2016; Published On: 01/03/2017


Hardik Rana*, Bhargav Vaghasiya, Mansi Dholakia
Department of Pharmaceutics,
Anand Pharmacy College,
Anand, Gujarat, India.



ABSTRACT: The objective of present study was to enhance the solubility of poorly soluble drug Ibuprofen using spherical crystallization technique. The potential agglomerates were prepared by addition of different concentration of polymer selected on the basis of Phase solubility study. Spherical agglomerates were prepared using diethyl ether as bridging liquid by neutralizing technique, spherical agglomeration technique, Quasi emulsion solvent diffusion technique. Spherical agglomerates were evaluated for morphology, production yield, drug content, particle size and dissolution behaviour compared with pure drug. The result of phase solubility studies revealed that there is enhancement of solubility by PEG 4000. Rod shaped crystals of pure drug converted to spherical was confirmed by optical microscopy. The dissolution of agglomerates of optimum batch exhibited 88.24% release compare to 47.18% of pure drug within 60 minute. This study demonstrated that spherical crystallization technique can be considered as a suitable alteration of granulation. Ibuprofen spherical agglomerates can be prepared with PEG 4000. It exhibited excellent physicochemical, solubility, dissolution rate in comparison with pure drug. Among other spherical crystallization technique, QESD proved to be excellent technique for enhancement of solubility and dissolution.



How to cite this article: Rana H, Vaghasiya B, Dholakia M;Solubility Enhancement of poorly Water Soluble Drug by Spherical Crystallization Technique; PharmaTutor; 2017; 5(3); 31-36