March 2017 ARTICLE LIST >>
PharmaTutor (March - 2017)
ISSN: 2347 - 7881
(Volume 5, Issue 3)
Received On: 03/11/2016; Accepted On: 29/11/2016; Published On: 01/03/2017
Deepak Chowrasia*, Nisha Sharma
University Institute of Pharmacy, CSJM University, Kanpur, U.P.-208024, India
ABSTRACT: The article describes here some of the aspects of scattering of light and its applicability in Nephelo-turbidimetric analysis.
How to cite this article: Chowrasia D, Sharma N;A Note on Nephelo-Turbidimetric Analysis; PharmaTutor; 2017; 5(3); 21-23

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