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PharmaTutor (March- 2016)
Print-ISSN: 2394 - 6679
e-ISSN: 2347 - 7881
(Volume 4, Issue 3)
Received On: 16/09/2015; Accepted On: 06/10/2015; Published On: 01/03/2016
Rhit Srivastava* & Saurabh Kumar Banerjee,
School of Pharmaceutical Management,
The IIHMR University, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India
Worldwide the Pharmaceutical industry dynamics is undergoing a significant transformation in terms of cutting edge advancement in the areas of pharmaceutical R&D specially the biotechnology based products, innovative drug delivery technologies, and large scale efficient pharmaceutical manufacturing capacities and so on. According to the list published by FDA for GMP facilities producing generic drug products and APIs for the US market 70% of the APIs and FDFs (Finished dosage Form Facilities) are produced outside US and India counts for 23.7 % of the API and FDF facilities and is by far the largest country exporting to the US. Even China counts for less than a half of the FDF and API facilities exporting to the US, as compared to India [1].
How to cite this article: Srivastava R, Banerjee SK; Indian Pharmaceutical Industry - A plethora of Sustainable Growth Opportunities for pharma business aspirants; PharmaTutor; 2016; 4(3); 13-16

1. GMP News, 24/10/2013, gmp-compliance.org/enews_03940_FDA-publishes-List-of-GMP-facilities-producing-for-the-US-market--generic-drug-products-and-APIs-.html, accessed on August 24, 2015.
2. India Brand Equity Foundation, August 2015, ibef.org/industry/pharmaceutical-india.aspx, accessed on, August 24, 2015 (9/8/2015)
3. India | Economic Forecasts | 2014-2050 Outlook, Available at: tradingeconomics.com/india/forecast (Accessed: 2/13/2015).
4. Moody's (20114) Global Macro Outlook 2014-15, Press Trust of India: Moody's.
5. Goldmansachs (2010) India Revisited white paper, goldmansachs.com/: goldmansachs.
6. Forbes (1/21/2015) IMF: India's Growth To Be Faster Than China's By 2016, Available at: forbes.com/sites/timworstall/2015/01/21/imf-indias-growth-to-be-faster-than-chinas-by-2016/ (Accessed: 2/13/2015).
7. Eric D. Beinhocker, Diana Farrell and Adil S. Zainulbhai (2007) Tracking The Growth of Middle Class, mckinsey.com: Mckinsey
8. PwC Report – India Pharma Inc: Capitalising on India’s growth potential,2010
9. IBEF Pharmaceutical Sector Analysis, Available at: brandindiapharma.in/infographic-on-pharma-sector-business/ (Accessed: 2/13/2015).
10. EIU Report - India: Healthcare and pharmaceuticals forecast, 2006
11. Deloitte (2014) 2014 Global health care outlook shared challenges, shared opportunities, deloitte.com: Deloitte.
12. Chris Ross (2013) 'Changing disease patterns in the BRIC nations are providing new opportunities for growth', PMlive, [Online]. Available at: pmlive.com/pharma_intelligence/building_brics_pharmas_key_emerging_markets_are_becoming_giants_483972(Accessed: 23rd Feb 2015).
13. “Ready for the Medical Boom”, Biju Govind, Hindu.com Article, June 2006.
14. WHO Data, Deloitte Consulting LLP analysis.
15. Manish Panchal and Siddharth Paradkar (2014) GST: a sweet pill for Indian Pharma, Tata strategic management group.
16. IRDA/NCAER Surveys, Deloitte Consulting LLP analysis.
17. Economist Intelligence Unit, September 2004.