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Futuristic Drug Delivery System Microemulsions: A Review

pharma courses



PharmaTutor (March- 2014)
ISSN: 2347 - 7881


Received On: 18/01/2014; Accepted On: 26/01/2014; Published On: 05/03/2014


Author: Shingitha K.P
Department of Pharmacy
Noida Institute Of Engineering And Technology Greater NOIDA, G.B Nagar


Recently microemulsion have attracted great attention as they help to optimize efficiency of wide range of products and processes. Microemulsion are isotropic, thermodynamically stable multicomponent fluids which is composed of water, oil, surfactant or cosurfactant where the diameter of the droplet of the microemulsion is in the range of 100 Å TO 1000 Å. Microemulsion are unique class of optically transparent (translucent) solution which comprises of the colloidal system that are attracting many scientific and technological interest past few decades.This interest is due to their properties like ultra low interfacial tension, large interfacial tension and solubilization capacity of both oil and water soluble drugs.


How to cite this article: KP Shingitha, Futuristic Drug Delivery System Microemulsions: A Review, PharmaTutor, 2014, 2(3), 54-60