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Formulation and evaluation of Orodispersible tablets to enhance dissolution rate of Lamotrigine by using Solid Dispersion Technique

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PharmaTutor (June- 2016)


Print-ISSN: 2394 - 6679
e-ISSN: 2347 - 7881
(Volume 4, Issue 6)


Received On: 10/03/2016; Accepted On: 22/03/2016; Published On: 01/06/2016


Bhumi B. Patel1*, Chainesh N. Shah2, Rumit M. Shah3
1Department of Pharmaceutics, Shree Naranjibhai Lalbhai Patel College of Pharmacy,
Umrakh, Gujarat, India.
2 Department of Pharmacy, Sumandeep Vidyapeeth, Piparia, Gujarat, India
3 Department of Pharmacognosy, Shree Naranjibhai Lalbhai Patel College of Pharmacy,
Umrakh, Gujarat, India.


ABSTRACT: Lamotrigine belongs to biopharmaceutical classification systems; BCS class II (Low solubility & High permeability). In addition, it requires immediate therapeutic action. Hence, the main objective of this study is to improve the solubility by solid dispersion technique and formulate it as Orodispersible tablets to avert the problems of swallowing and to provide rapid onset of action. Lamotrigine solid dispersion was prepared by using PEG 6000 as solubility enhancers and formulated it into ODT by direct compression technique using different concentrations of Sodium Starch Glycolate, Cross Carmalose Sodium, and Kyron T-314 as cross linked polymers. The tablets were evaluated for various parameters and the results were found to be satisfactory. The batches batch containing Kyron T-314 as super disintegrant in 7% concentration, as they showed 95.75% drug release in 15 minutes with a disintegration time of 11 seconds which shows improved dissolution rate in compare to marketed formulation of Lamotrigine.


How to cite this article: Patel BB, Shah CN, Shah RM; Formulation and evaluation of Orodispersible tablets to enhance dissolution rate of Lamotrigine by using Solid Dispersion Technique; PharmaTutor; 2016; 4(6); 35-39