PharmaTutor (June- 2014)
ISSN: 2347 - 7881
Received On: 09/04/2014; Accepted On: 14/04/2014; Published On: 01/06/2014
AUTHORS: Nandu Kayande1*, Pankaj Kushwah2, D. K. Vir1
1Department of Pharmacology
2Department of Pharmacognosy
Nimar Institute of Pharmacy, Dhamnod,
Dhar, Madhya Pradesh, India
The main objective of the present work is to find out good pharmacological activities in herbal source with their preliminary phytochemical study, and also it is aimed to investigate of ethanol, and aqueous extracts of dried stem of plant Emblica Officinalis Gearth against with Anti-inflammatory and in rats, Analgesic activity in mice and antioxidant in invitro methods. Normally herbal products are free from side effects/adverse effects and they are low cost medicines,which will be beneficial for human being. The main objective of this work is to find active constituents which are potent Anti-oxidant, Anti-inflammatory, analgesic having no or minimum side effects from indigenous plants for the therapeutic management.
How to cite this article: N Kayande, P Kushwah, DK Vir; Pharmacological Screening of Ethanolic Extracts of Emblica Officinalis Gearth Plant on Animals; PharmaTutor; 2014; 2(6); 201-205

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