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Formulation and Evaluation of Chewable Tablets of Mebendazole by Different Techniques

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PharmaTutor (June- 2014)
ISSN: 2347 - 7881


Received On: 31/03/2014; Accepted On: 05/04/2014; Published On: 01/06/2014


AUTHORS: Fiza Farheen*, Sudhir Bharadwaj
Department of Phrmaceutics, Shri Ram College of Pharmacy,
Banmore, Morena (M.P.)


The objective of the study was to develop an effective formulation of mebendazole chewable tablets. Mebendazole is a benzimidazole derivative with broad spectrum anthelemthic activity and excellent tolerability. Orally it is rapidly absorbed and metabolized tohydroxy  and hydroxyamino, which may be responsible for its anthelmenthic action. It is widely used in the treatment of worm infestations in both humans and animals. Mebendazole chewable tablets (200 mg) were prepared by three methods viz. non aqueous granulation, aqueous granulation and direct compression and were named as NAG, AG and DC respectively. Tablet prepared by these three methods were evaluated by different parameters such as average weight, hardness, carr’s index, tapped density, friability, disintegration, content uniformity test, in-vitro dissolution etc. All the parameters were found within the specifications. The study on the dissolution profile revealed that product ‘DC’ had faster dissolution rate while compared to remaining batches and marketed product. Assay values were within the limits of 90% to 110%.

How to cite this article: F Farheen, S Bharadwaj; Formulation and Evaluation of Chewable Tablets of Mebendazole by Different Techniques; PharmaTutor; 2014; 2(6); 183-189