PharmaTutor (July- 2015)
Print-ISSN: 2394 - 6679
e-ISSN: 2347 - 7881
(Volume 3, Issue 7)
Received On: 9/03/2015; Accepted On: 27/03/2015; Published On: 01/07/2015
AUTHORS: *Ashif I. Bhim1, Farhana V. Buchiy1, Hasumati A. Raj1, Vineet C. Jain2
1Department of Qaulity Assurane, Shree Dhanvantary Pharmacy College, Kim, Surat, Gujarat, India.
2Department of Pharmacognocy, Shree Dhanvantary Pharmacy College, Kim, Surat, Gujarat, India.
ABSTRACT: A simple, accurate and precise spectroscopic method was developed for simultaneous estimation of Itopride Hydrochloride and Lansoprazole in synthetic mixture using first order derivative zero-crossing method. Itopride Hydrochlorideshowed zero crossing point at 278.12nmwhile Lansoprazole showed zero crossing point at 244.58nm. The dA/dλ was measured at 244.12 nm for Itopride Hydrochloride and 278.12nmfor Lansoprazole and calibration curves were plotted as dA/dλ versus concentration, respectively. The method was found to be linear (r2>0.999) in the range of 5-25μg/ml for Itopride Hydrochloride at 244.58nm. The linear correlation was obtained (r2>0.996) in the range of 5-25 μg/ml for Lansoprazole at 278.12 nm. The limit of determination was 0.155μg/ml and 0.059μg/ml forItopride Hydrochloride and Lansoprazole, respectively. The limit of quantification was 0.472μg/ml and 0.179μg/ml for Itopride Hydrochloride and Lansoprazolerespectively. The accuracy of these method were evaluated by recovery studies and good recovery result were obtained greater than 99% shows first order derivation zero crossing. The method was successfully applied for simultaneous determination of Itopride Hydrochloride and Lansoprazolein binary mixture.
How to cite this article: AI Bhim, FV Buchiy, HA Raj, VC Jain; Simultaneous determination of Itopride Hydrochloride and Lansoprazole in Synthetic Mixture using Spectrophotometric technique (First order Derivative Method); PharmaTutor; 2015; 3(7); 38-45

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