PharmaTutor (July- 2014)
ISSN: 2347 - 7881
Received On: 15/05/2014; Accepted On: 18/05/2014; Published On: 01/07/2014
AUTHORS: Tulsi. P. Upadhyay*, Jitendra Patel, Harsh. A. Vyas, Nirali. N. Thakkar, Kruti. C. Patel, Umesh. M. Upadhyay
Department of Pharmaceutics,
Sigma Institute of Pharmacy,
Vadodara, Gujarat, India
The present study was conducted to investigate the microemulsion based gel of meloxicam in order to bypass gastrointestinal side effects with more patient compliance. Microemulsion existence range was defined by pseudo ternary phase diagram. Pseudoternary phase diagrams were developed for combination of Iso propyl Myristate (oily phase), Tween80:PEG400 (surfactant : cosurfactant) and water (aqueous phase) with Aqueous phase titration method. Various microemulsion formulations were prepared and further evaluated for various parameters like pH, conductance, transmittance, drug release, etc.Optimized formulation of Microemulsion was thickened with gelling agent Carbopol 940 to yield a gel with desirable properties facilitating the topical application. Safety of formulation was evaluated using skin irritancy test. Simple Meloxicam gel and optimized microemulsion gel then subjected to in vitro drug release comparison study. Drug exhibited maximum solubility in Iso propyl Myristate as oily phase among all selected oils and maximum solubility in Tween80 and Polyethylene Glycol 400(PEG400) as surfactant and cosurfactant. The pseudoternary phase diagram has been delineated at surfactant : cosurfactant ratio 2:1. Microemulsion showed -0.5 zeta potential which is desirable for its stability and average particle size was obtained less than 200nm. Microemulsion based gel afford better drug release when compared to simple gel. Present work concluded that microemulsion based gel can be promising formulation for application of Meloxicam with good patient compliance too in treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, osteo arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis.
How to cite this article: TP Upadhyay, J Patel, HA Vyas, NN Thakkar, KC Patel, UM Upadhyay; Investigation of Hydrogel Thickened Microemulsion for Topical Administration of Meloxicam; PharmaTutor; 2014; 2(7); 120-134

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