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Preliminary Assessment of the Antiproliferative Potential of the Herbal Formula Ekpo Aganwo

Clinical research courses

PharmaTutor (January- 2014)
ISSN: 2347 - 7881


Received On: 26/12/2013; Accepted On: 30/12/2013; Published On: 15/01/2014


About Authors: Enegide Chinedu*, David Arome, Solomon Fidelis Ameh
Department of Science Laboratory Technology
(Physiology & Pharmacology Technology),
University of Jos, Jos Nigeria


ABSTRACT: Background: Cancer is a major global public health problem and has metamorphosed to a leading cause of death globally. Latest predictions by the Word Health Organization suggest that cancer death rate may escalate to about 15 million deaths by 2030. Though various anticancer agents have been discovered and are in use currently, they have not been able to tame the disease effectively. This has left the scientific community with the task of discovering/developing better agents with high efficacy and minimal adverse effect. There have been increased interests by both developed countries and the scientific community towards the importance of herbs as a fountainhead in the development of newer drugs, as many classes of drugs now in use contain models from natural product. Ekpo aganwo (EA) is an herbal formulation prepared from the stem bark of Khaya senegalensis and is its main constituent.
Aim: This study was design as a preliminary assessment of the antiproliferative potential of EA.
Materials and Method: The modified Ayinde et al., bench top assay method was employed for the study.
Result: Methotrexate compared with control, caused a significant (P<0.05) decrease in radicle length throughout the study. The percentage inhibition was however highest after 72 hours, with a rate of 86.67%. EA 10 mg/ml did not produce any significant decrease in radicle growth after 48 hours, but however showed a significant (P<0.05) decrease in radicle growth after 72 hours of experiment. The percentage inhibition after 72 hours was 24.56%. EA doses of 20 - 100 mg/ml produced significant (P<0.05) decrease in radicle growth throughout the experiment. The percentage inhibition of EA doses of 20 - 100 mg/ml was 28.07 - 59.65 % after 72 hours.
Conclusion: The results obtained have favoured the postulation of EA having an anticancer potential, and this have been supported by the significant antiproliferative activity it produced during the experiment.


How to cite this article: E Chinedu, D Arome, SF Ameh, Preliminary Assessment of the Antiproliferative Potential of the Herbal Formula "Ekpo Aganwo", PharmaTutor, 2014, 2(1), 157-161