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Influence of GDF-11 in Aging Process : An Review

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PharmaTutor (December - 2017)


ISSN: 2347 - 7881
(Volume 5, Issue 12)


Received On: 15/08/2017; Accepted On: 18/08/2017; Published On: 01/12/2017


Devender Sharma*,  Satish Kosalge, Snehal R. Dixit
Department of Pharmaceutics,
Hi – Tech college of pharmacy,
Chandrapur, Maharashtra, India



Aging is one of the phases of individual’s life span, which everyone wants to escape. The process of aging is much more a social phenomena than biological phenomena. Aging brings many changes such as, loss of eyesight, hearing loss, dementia, e tc. Aging may give rise to diseased states such as, heart disease, cancer, cerebrovascular disease (relating to blood vessels that supply the brain), pneumonia and flu, and chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases. The key - factor behind aging is the GDF11, i .e., Growth and Differentiation factor - 11. GDF11 is also known as Bone Morphogenetic Factor - 11 (BMP11). It is termed as key circulating ‘anti - aging’ factor. GDF11 is expressed in wide range of tissues and has been shown to play important roles in developme nt of olfactory system, retina and pancreas. It functions in regulating anterior - posterior patterning of the axial skeleton muscle system. Scientists theorize that aging likely results from a combination of many factors viz., Lifestyle, Diseases and Genes. GDF11 is essential for mammalian development and has been suggested to regulate aging of multiple tissues, whereas myostatin is a well - described negative regulator of postnatal skeletal and cardiac muscle mass and modulates metabolic processes.



How to cite this article: Sharma D,  Kosalge S, Dixit SR;Influence of GDF-11 in Aging Process : An Review; PharmaTutor; 2017; 5(12); 18-29