PharmaTutor (December- 2015)
Print-ISSN: 2394 - 6679
e-ISSN: 2347 - 7881
(Volume 3, Issue 12)
Received On: 19/10/2015; Accepted On: 26/10/2015; Published On: 01/12/2015
AUTHORS: Rajesh Tiwari
Pharmaceutical Science and Natural Products
Central University of Punjab, Bathinda
ABSTRACT: Biosensors are a tool that combines the biochemical element with a transducer that generates an indication for the identification of disease. Numbers of biosensors are used in different medical application. Biomarker and Biosensors play an important role for early stage exposure of cancer. It is a cost-effective, increased assay speed, resiliency, the ability for multi-target analysis method. Genomic and proteomic molecular tools are also used for the exposure of tumors. These methods produce a molecular mark that provides a new opening for utilizing biosensors and biomarkers. As with many disease conditions, it is not easy to find exact and responsive markers that are associated with only one marker. Different numbers of molecular signatures are used for the diagnosis of cancer, such as proteins, peptides, overexpression gene and gene mutation. This review provides a general idea of the biosensors and biomarkers technology that is currently developed and researched for cancer markers and diagnosis.
How to cite this article: R Tiwari; Bio-Markers and Bio-Sensors: Unravelling the Major Mechanistic Interventions in Cancer Prognosis; PharmaTutor; 2015; 3(12); 17-22

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