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Design and Development of Sustained Release Matrix Tablets of Furosemide

pharma courses



PharmaTutor (December- 2013)
ISSN: 2347 - 7881


Received On: 30/10/2013; Accepted On: 24/11/2013; Published On: 20/12/2013


Authors: D. Nagendrakumar, Reddy VM, Keshavshetti G G, Shardor A G
Department of Pharmaceutics, SVET’s College of Pharmacy,
Humnabad- 585 330 (Karnataka).

ABSTRACT: Sustained release matrix system are favored because of their simplicity, patient compliance etc, than traditional drug delivery which have many drawbacks like repeated administration, fluctuation in blood concentration level etc. For the purpose of enhancement the bioavailability of furosemide, a dosage form with sustained release of furosemide was designed in this study.
Sustained release tablets of furosemide were fabricated using xanthan gum (13.33 % to 66.67 %). The prepared tablets were evaluated for pre compression and post compression studies like angle of repose, bulk density, tapped density, hardness, weight variation, fraibilty, drug content, in-vitro releaseof drug etc. among the five formulations A better controlled drug release (85 %) was obtained with the matrix tablet SX5containing xanthan gum 66.67%. Short-term stability studies of all formulations indicates that there were no significant changes in drug content and dissolution parameter values after 3 month storage at 40° ± 2°C/75 ± 5% RH.


How to cite this article: Kumar DN, Reddy VM, Keshavshetti GG, Shardor AG, Design and Development of Sustained Release Matrix Tablets of Furosemide, PharmaTutor, 2013, 1(2), 99-105