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Review study on factors affecting the prescription pattern of Physicians

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PharmaTutor (April- 2016)


Print-ISSN: 2394 - 6679
e-ISSN: 2347 - 7881
(Volume 4, Issue 4)


Received On: 24/11/2015; Accepted On: 05/12/2015; Published On: 01/04/2016


Amoah-Binfoh Kenneth1*, Pradhyuman Singh Lakhawat1, Archana Chandra2
1 SHIATS, Allahabad, UP, India
2 Dept. of Human Resources, SHIATS, Allahabad, UP, India


ABSTRACT: Prognosis the medical outcome of a corrective prediction, physicians become aware of a particular drug through promotional strategies. If all relevant information received is positive, the drug may be tried on few patients’. As a matter of fact if the outcomes of the trials are acceptable physicians will shift and may be more interested to prescribe the drugs consistent. Prescribing drugs is a standard component of most physicians’ practices. It is an important area of practice that requires appropriate knowledge, skill and professional judgment. To improve patient safety when prescribing, these qualities set out expectations for physicians who prescribe drugs. However in connection with the physician’s prescription pattern, Indian pharmaceutical industry is at a turning point. The pharmaceutical firms have to change their strategies for the challenges ahead. Quality systems, innovation, manufacturing and marketing competence are associate factors that affects physicians prescription pattern. The efficacy of drug discovery process has been reported to have suffered a major transformation. New drug discovery has to be strictly adhere to the tight intellectual property rights to ensure effective and efficient, prescriptions and protections. Further clinical and behavioral characteristics of the patient, research and the pressures from drug firms, high curing effect; habitual or non-habitual choice, behavior pattern of patients, peer influence of physicians (community of physicians) and education and advertising are reviewed factors affecting physician’s prescription pattern.



How to cite this article: Kenneth AB, Lakhawat PS, Chandra A; Review study on factors affecting the prescription pattern of Physicians; PharmaTutor; 2016; 4(4); 18-22