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A Review on: Physicochemical evaluation of ayurvedic mineral drug Tankan Bhasma

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PharmaTutor (April- 2016)


Print-ISSN: 2394 - 6679
e-ISSN: 2347 - 7881
(Volume 4, Issue 4)


Received On: 31/10/2015; Accepted On: 07/11/2015; Published On: 01/04/2016


 Shaikh S.M.1*, Doijad R.C1., Shete A.S.1, Sankpal P.S.2
1 Department of Pharmaceutics, Shree Santkrupa College of Pharmacy, Ghogaon, Maharashtra, India
1 Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Shree Santkrupa College of Pharmacy, Ghogaon, Maharashtra, India


ABSTRACT: Tankan bhasma which has been used since very long time in Ayurveda. Tankan bhasma purification is done by the mand agni. Evaluation of physic-chemical property of Tankan bhasma. We are studying toxicological study of Tankan (Borax). Toxicological study on eyes, skin, inhalation, ingesion, carcinogenicity, reproductive or developmental, target organs, also signs and symptoms of exposure. We are studied on the first aid treatment if hazards due to contacts with eyes, Ingestion, and skin. Various uses of Tankan (Borax) bhasma we are studying. Also we are studying the analytical evaluations. Such as Tankan (Borax) bhasma evaluation containing moisture content, organic contain, Nishchandratva, Nishchandratva, Varitaratvam, Rekhapurnatvam, Unama test, Nirchandrata, Amla pariksha, Avami, Anjana Sannibha, X-ray diffraction i.e XRD study, also the Scanning Electron Microscope that is SEM, this all methods we are using for the evaluation of Tankan (Borax) bhasm



How to cite this article: Shaikh SM, Doijad RC, Shete AS, Sankpal PS; A Review on: Physicochemical evaluation of ayurvedic mineral drug Tankan Bhasma; PharmaTutor; 2016; 4(4); 23-27