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ADMISSION TO VARIOUS PHARMACY DISCIPLINES: Notice for admission to D.Pharm, B.Pharm, M.Pharm, Ph.D, M.Sc in Clinical Research, MBA, Certificate Courses in Unani

Clinical research courses


ADMISSION TO VARIOUS PHARMACY DISCIPLINES: Notice for admission to D.Pharm, B.Pharm, M.Pharm, Ph.D, M.Sc in Clinical Research, MBA, Certificate Courses in Unani


MSc -Clinical Research (Course Code: MSCR 08)
Duration: Two years (Four semesters) Total Seats : 25 (inclusive of seats reserved for NRI/Sponsored candidates) Additional Seats for Foreign Nationals. Jamia Hamdard may reserve some seats for industry collaborators
Eligibility: Candidates with any of the following qualifications from a university recognized by Jamia Hamdard, with at least 55% marks in aggregate, shall be eligible for admission to this programme : • MBBS/ BDS/ BAMS/ BUMS/ BVSc. • B.Pharm • BSc-Nursing • BOT/ BPT/ BSc-Medical Lab.Techniques • BSc with Biochemistry/ Pharmacology/ Toxicology/ Biotechnology/ Microbiology/, Zoology or any other life sciences subject.
Selection procedure: Candidates seeking admission in MSc-Clinical Reserch will be admitted based on merit determined by the Entrance test and/ or interview conducted by Jamia Hamdard. There will be no test for NRI/ sponsored candidates. However, they may be required to appear for interview. No test or interview is required for foreign nationals. However, their academic qualifications will be strictly assessed before offer of admission. They must have obtained a degree from an institution recognized by Association of Indian Universities (AIU).

MBA- Pharmaceutical Management [MBA(PM)] (Course Code: MBPM 31)
This programme has been introduced with the objective of teaching and training in the upcoming areas of Pharmaceutical Industry. Broad areas covered under this programme are strategic Pharmaceutical Marketing, Intellectual Property Rights, Sales and Distribution Mnagement, R & D Project Management, Supply Chain Management . The programme is designed to provide technical and administrative skills in management & research in Pharmaceutical sector.
Duration: Two years
Total Seats : 60 (Inclusive of seats reserved for NRI / Sponsored candidates)


Certificate Course of Unani Dispenser (Course Code:CCUD 50)
Duration : One year including two months practical training in Unani dispensary/hospital/ Pharmacy/Pharmaceutical Industry. Total Seats : 04
Eligibility A candidate must have: • Passed Aalim Examination from a Madarsa/Institution recognized by Jamia Hamdard OR intermediate (10+2) qualification in any discipline with knowledge of Urdu. • Appeared in interview conducted by Jamia Hamdard.
Candidates applying for Certificate course of Unani Dispenser are advised to read the list of madarsas/ boards/ institutions recognized by Jamia Hamdard mentioned in the prospectus. Selection procedure An interview will be conducted. The selection will be made on the basis of merit determined by marks obtained in interview only.


Certificate Programme in Unani Medicine (Course Code: CPUM 51)
Duration: Six months Total Seats : 10; This is an introductory programme for graduates from foreign countries or those with equivalent qualifications in medical and allied science.
Eligibility: A candidate must have: • Bachelor degree or equivalent qualification in medical and allied sciences including other system of medicine such as Chinese Medicine • Appeared in the interview conducted by Jamia Hamdard. Selection procedure An interview will be conducted . The selection will be made on the basis of merit determined by marks obtained in interview only.
Note: For admission against the Foreign National/NRI/Sponsored seats, wherever applicable, written test is not required


Duration: Minimum two years Disciplines: * Pharmaceutics (Course Code: PHDP 59) * Pharmacognosy & Phytochemistry (Course Code: PHPP 60) * Pharmaceutical Chemistry (Course Code: PHPC 61) * Pharmacology (Course Code: PHPL 62)
Eligibility: Candidates should have passed M Pharm from Jamia Hamdard or from any other institution recognized by AICTE and Jamia Hamdard in the relevant subject securing at least 55% marks in the aggregate. Selection procedure Admission to PhD programme shall be made on the basis of Entrance test and interview of the eligible candidates conducted by Jamia Hamdard.The test and interview will be based on the M Pharm syllabus of the relevant discipline of Jamia Hamdad.
Note: Students admitted to PhD programme will be required to qualify in the following three theory Papers. • Research methodology • Communication skills • Specialisation paper • For those candidates who may not qualify in the proficiency test shall also attend the prescribed course in English Proficiency.
PhD-Pharmaceutical Medicine (Course Code: PHPM 63) PhD-Pharmaceutical Medicine-SFS (Course Code: PHPS 64)
Seats : 04 (One seat is reserved for Sponsored candidate) : 06 (04 –SFS including one seat sponsored by Ranbaxy Lab. Ltd.; and 02 NRI / Industry sponsored)
Eligibility: Candidates should have passed M Pharm from Jamia Hamdard or from any other institution recognized by AICTE and Jamia Hamdard in Pharmacology / Hospital Pharmacy / Clinical Pharmacy / Pharmaceutics or MBBS degree from a recognized institution. Preference will be given to MD / DNB degree holders in Pharmacology / Medicine / Clinical Pharmacology. Candidates with MSc degree in Pharmacology may also be considered. The required percentage is 55% in aggregate in the relevant subject. Selection procedure Admission to PhD programme shall be made on the basis of Entrance test and interview of the eligible candidates conducted by Jamia Hamdard.


Master of Pharmacy (MPharm.)
Duration :Two years (Four Semesters) Total Seats : 71 Specialization No. of Seats • Pharmaceutical Chemistry : 12 (Course Code:MPPC 65) • Pharmaceutics : 12 (Course Code: MPPS 66) • Pharmacognosy & Phytochemistry : 10 (Course Code: MPPT 67) • Pharmacology : 10 (Course Code: MPPL 68) • Pharmacy Practice : 08 (Course Code: MPPP 69) • Quality Assurance : 08 (Course Code: MPQA70) • Pharmaceutical Biotechnology : 05 (Course Code: MPPB 71) • Pharmaceutical Analysis : 06 (Course Code: MPPA 72) (Inclusive of seats reserved for NRI/Sponsored candidates) Additional seats for Foreign Nationals.
Eligibility A candidate must have: • Passed B Pharm / B Pharm (Unani) examination or any other examination recognized by Jamia Hamdard or an institution recognized by Jamia Hamdard and AICTE, securing at least 55% marks in the aggregate of theory papers. • Qualified GATE/GPAT (with valid score card). • Appeared in the Entrance Test conducted by Jamia Hamdard.
Note: • Non-GATE/Non-GPAT candidates may be eligible only for seats under NRI / Sponsored category in case GATE/GPAT qualified candidates are not available. • For consideration under the Sponsored category, candidates should have a two years full-time work experience in a registered firm / industry / educational institution. Selection Procedure The applicants for admission to the M Pharm programme (General and NRI / Sponsored category) shall have to appear in the written entrance test. The test paper will comprise of questions based on B Pharm syllabus of Jamia Hamdard. The selection will be made on the basis of the merit prepared by apportioning the following weightages: • Weightage of percentile scored in GATE/GPAT : 50% • Weightage of Entrance test conducted by Jamia Hamdard : 50%. Important note: Only 26 GATE/GPAT scholarships may be available for M Pharm students. The distribution of scholarship will be made as per AICTE/UGC norms to the admitted students of four disciplines viz Pharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Pharmacology and Pharmacognosy & Phytochemistry. Students admitted under SFS/Sponsored/NRI/Foreign National category will not be eligible for GATE/GPAT scholarship even if they have a valid GATE/GPAT score. If admitted candidates have same GATE/GPAT score, scholarship will be awarded on the basis of B Pharm marks (aggregate of theory papers only).


Bachelor’s Programme in Pharmacy (B Pharm) Regular (Course Code: BPHR 73) Bachelor’s Programme in Pharmacy (B Pharm) SFS (Course Code: BPSF 75)
Duration : Four Years
Total Seats : 60 The breakup of the seats is as follows: Under normal fee : 25 Under SFS : 25 NRI/Sponsored candidates : 10 Additional seats for Foreign National candidates.
Eligibility : A candidate must have: • Passed Senior Secondary (12th Standard / Intermediate) examination with Physics, Chemistry and Biology from Central Board of Secondary Education or any other examination recognized by Jamia Hamdard as equivalent thereto securing atleast 50% marks in the aggregate of Physics, Chemistry and Biology. • Appeared in the Entrance Test conducted by Jamia Hamdard. Selection Procedure An Entrance Test for B.Pharm, will be conducted to test the knowledge of the candidates in Physics, Chemistry, Biology and General Awareness. The standard of questions will be based on the qualifying examination i.e.


Senior Secondary / Intermediate Bachelor’s Programme in Pharmacy (B Pharm) Regular with an additional compulsory paper of Unani Pharmacy) (Course Code: BPHU 74) Bachelor’s Programme in Pharmacy (B Pharm) SFS with an additional compulsory paper of Unani Pharmacy) (Course Code: BPSU 76)
Duration : Four Years 21 Total Seats : 60 The breakup of the seats is as follows: Under normal fee : 25 Under SFS : 25 NRI/Sponsored candidates : 10 Additional seats for Foreign National candidates.
Eligibility A candidate must have: • Passed Senior Secondary (12th Standard / Intermediate) examination with Physics, Chemistry and Biology from Central Board of Secondary Education or any other examination recognized by Jamia Hamdard as equivalent thereto securing atleast 50% marks in the aggregate of Physics, Chemistry and Biology. • Appeared in the Entrance Test conducted by Jamia Hamdard. • Knowledge of Urdu comparable to Matric standard. Selection Procedure An Entrance Test for B.Pharm, will be conducted to test the knowledge of the candidates in Physics, Chemistry, Biology and General Awareness. The standard of questions will be based on the qualifying examination i.e. Senior Secondary / Intermediate. In addition to Entrance Test, the applicants shall have to appear in the test for Urdu language (syllabus for Urdu test is given in this Prospectus).Medium of instructions of compulsory paper of Unani Pharmacy of this course is Urdu. The candidates must have knowledge of Urdu language comparable to secondary (10th) standard and aptitude for Unani system of medicine. The aim and objective of this unique course is to produce Pharmacy Graduates with additional qualification in producing quality formulations of Unani medicines prescribed by Hakeems and validation and standardization of formulations using modern scientific techniques.


B Pharm II Year (Regular through lateral entry)(Course Code: BPRL 77) B Pharm II Year (SFS through lateral entry)(Course Code: BPSL 79)
Total Seats : 06 Breakup of the seats is as under: Under normal fee : 03 Under SFS : 02 NRI/Sponsored candidates : 01
Eligibility A candidate must have: • Passed 10+2 examination from the Central Board of Secondary Education or any other examination recognized by Jamia Hamdard as equivalent thereto, with Physics, Chemistry and Biology • Passed Diploma in Pharmacy examination of Jamia Hamdard or from any other recognized institution with 50% marks in the aggregate. • Appeared in the Entrance Test conducted by Jamia Hamdard. Selection Procedure An Entrance Test will be conducted. The question paper will comprise of the questions from D Pharm syllabus of Jamia Hamdard.


B Pharm II Year (Regular through lateral entry with an additional compulsory paper of Unani Pharmacy)(Course Code: BPUL 78)
B Pharm II Year (SFS through lateral entry with an additional compulsory paper of Unani Pharmacy)(Course Code: BSLU 80)
Total Seats : 06 Breakup of the seats is as under: Under normal fee : 03 Under SFS : 02 NRI/Sponsored candidates : 01
Eligibility A candidate must have: • Passed 10+2 examination from the Central Board of Secondary Education or any other examination recognized by Jamia Hamdard as equivalent thereto, with Physics, Chemistry and Biology. • Passed D Pharm (Unani) with 50 % marks in aggregate. • Appeared in the Entrance Test conducted by Jamia Hamdard. Selection Procedure An Entrance Test will be conducted. The question paper will comprise of questions from D Pharm syllabus of Jamia Hamdard. Medium of instructions of compulsory paper of Unani Pharmacy of this course is Urdu.


Diploma in Pharmacy (D Pharm) Regular (Course Code: DPHR 81)
Duration : Two Years 21 Total Seats : 30 (Inclusive of seats reserved for NRI/Sponsored candidates) Additional seats for Foreign National candidates.
Eligibility A candidate must have: • Passed Senior Secondary (12th Standard/Intermediate) examination with Physics, Chemistry and Biology from Central Board of Secondary Education or any other examination recognized by Jamia Hamdard as equivalent thereto, securing at least 50% marks in the aggregate of Physics, Chemistry and Biology. • Appeared in the Diploma Entrance Test (DET) conducted by Jamia Hamdard. Selection Procedure The candidates seeking admission to the D Pharm programme will have to appear in the Diploma Entrance Test (DET). The test paper will comprise of questions on Physics, Chemistry, Biology and General awareness. The standard of questions will be based on the qualifying examination i.e. Senior Secondary /Intermediate.


Diploma in Pharmacy (D Pharm) Regular (with an additional compulsory paper of Unani Pharmacy) (Course Code: DPHU 82)
Duration : Two Years 21 Total Seats : 30 (Inclusive of seats reserved for NRI/Sponsored candidates) Additional seats for Foreign National candidates.
Eligibility A candidate must have: • Passed Senior Secondary (12th Standard/Intermediate) examination with Physics, Chemistry and Biology from Central Board of Secondary Education or any other examination recognized by Jamia Hamdard as equivalent thereto, and secured at least 50% marks in the aggregate of Physics, Chemistry and Biology. • Appeared in the Diploma Entrance Test (DET) conducted by Jamia Hamdard. • Knowledge of Urdu language comparable to High School. Selection Procedure The candidates seeking admission to the D Pharm programme will have to appear in the Diploma Entrance Test (DET). The test paper will comprise of questions on Physics, Chemistry, Biology and General Awareness. The standard of questions will be based on the qualifying examination i.e. Senior Secondary / Intermediate. In addition to DET, the applicants will have to appear in the test for Urdu language for D. Pharm (Unani) as per the Test Schedule given in this prospectus.

Note: For admission against the Foreign National/ NRI/ Sponsored seats, wherever applicable, written test is not required

Important Dates For MBA Programme

·  Last date for On-line Application Form filling : 30th March 2010

·  Display of Short Listed Candidates and Admit Cards : By 12th April 2010 on the University Notice Board & Website

·  GD and Interview : 20th, 21st, 22nd, 23rd April 2010

·  Announcement of Selection Lists : By 5th May 2010 on the University Notice Board & Website

·  Closure of admission : 31st May 2010

·  Commencement of Induction Programme : 1st July 2010


Important Dates For Other Courses

·  Last date for On-line Application Form filling : 15th April 2010

·  Display of Admit Cards : By 30th April 2010 on the University Website

·  Entrance Tests : 20th May to 24th May 2010

·  Announcement of Selection Lists : By 15th June 2010 on the University Notice Board & Website

·  Commencement of Classes : 15th July 2010

·  Closure of Admission : 15th July 2010