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EXAM Alert: Bundelkhand University, Jhansi for Admission in M.Pharm (Pharmacognosy, Pharmaceutics)

Clinical research courses

BundelKhand University, Jhansi

About Institute: This seat of higher learning came into existence on August 26, 1975, vide Government of Uttar Pradesh Notification No. 10/15-60/74 under the provision of the U.P. Universities Act. However, though belonging to the younger generation of the Indian Universities, the Bundelkhand University has fast transformed into a University of excellence offering opportunities to the aspiring youths to pursue higher education, applied research and Professional training according to their aptitude and potential.



Issue of admission form from: 18th march 2010

Last date for receiving of Application form at the University Without late fee : April 30th 2010;
With late fee of Rs. 500/- :
May 07, 2010


Date of Entrance Test May 21st May 2010

Test:Centers Jhansi & Lucknow


Note :
1. Detailed information available in Academic Brochure 2009-2010 and the University website

2. Request for Application Form and Academic Brochure by post should be addressed to the Convener, Admission Cell,  Bundelkhand University, Kanpur Road, Jhansi 284128, and must be accompanied with Bank Draft of Rs. 1075/- (575/- for SC/ST) drawn in favour of Finance Officer, Bundelkhand University, Jhansi 284128.

Forms are also available at the University Cash Counter on payment of Rs. 1000/- (Rs. 500/- for SC/ST)

3. Statutory Reservations are applicable as per the UP Govt. /University Norms

4. University reserves all rights regarding admission to various courses.

5. University shall not be responsible for any postal delays.

6. Completed forms shall be accepted through Registered Post or Speed Post only.