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Opportunity for Pharmacist to Join IISER, Salary Rs. 43,800 pm

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Opportunity for Pharmacist to Join IISER

The Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Mohali, an Institute of National Importance, established by the Government of India, MoE (erstwhile MHRD) in 2007 to carry out research in frontier areas of Science and provide quality Science Education & Research at the undergraduate and post graduate levels.

The Institute is looking for dedicated, committed and eligible citizen of India to fill up the following posts on Contract basis.

Post : Pharmacist

No of post : 01
Post Code : 05
Monthly consolidated remuneration : Rs.43,800/-
Maximum age Limit : 33 Years 
Educational Qualification : Bachelor’s Degree (with 55%) in Pharmacy from an Institution recognized by the Central or State Govt. Should be registered as a “Pharmacist” under the Pharmacy Act, 1948*. 
Experience : Relevant experience of 5 years as a Pharmacist at reputed minimum 50 bedded hospital / Organizations in Central Govt. / State Govt. / Recognized Private Hospitals / Nursing Homes / Pharmacies etc.
* While filling online application form, applicant shall ensure that registration as a “Pharmacist” under the Pharmacy Act, 1948 should be valid during the recruitment process.

General Conditions
1. The applicant must be a citizen of India. 
2. The engagements are purely on contract basis at a fixed consolidated monthly remuneration mentioned against each post, initially for a period of six months or till the appointments are made on regular basis whichever is earlier, which may be extended or curtailed depending on the requirement of the Institute, and satisfactory work performance (as the case may be). 
3. Please note that all these positions are purely on contract basis and appearance in the written test / skill test / interview (as the case may be) and selection thereafter will not entitle the candidate for any claim or regular appointments at IISER Mohali. 
4. An applicant should read carefully the requisite minimum essential qualifications, age and eligibility, experience criteria etc. laid down in the advertisement before applying for these posts. Since all the applications will be screened on the basis of data submitted by the candidate in the application form, the candidate must satisfy themselves of the suitability for the position to which they are applying that they possess at least the minimum essential qualifications laid down for the post which are compulsory even if a candidate has some other higher qualifications. No enquiry asking for advice as to eligibility will be entertained. 
5. Person with benchmark disability fulfilling the eligibility conditions prescribed under government of India instructions are encouraged to apply. And only such person, who suffers from not less than 40% of relevant disability, would be eligible for reservation of PwD. Candidate has to submit relevant disability certificate as prescribed under PwD Act, 1995 and subsequent The Persons with Disability Act, 2016.
6. The last date for receipt of application form shall be the date for determining the upper age limit, qualifications and experience for the positions mentioned in the advertisement. The qualifications prescribed shall have been obtained from recognized Universities/Institutions only. 
7. The decision of the Competent Authority, IISER Mohali in all matters relating to eligibility, acceptance or rejection of any/all applications, fixing the eligibility criteria, equivalence of qualifications, mode of screening/selection, conduct of examination/interview, not to fill the vacancy (completely or partially), will be final and binding on the candidates. 
8. Applicants must disclose as to whether any of their close or blood relatives are employees of IISER Mohali. Close relations would include wife / husband / son / daughter / brother / sister / son-in-law / daughter-in-law and those who could be termed as blood relations. 
9. The number of vacancies indicated in the notification is tentative. IISER Mohali reserves the right to increase or decrease the number of advertised posts at the time of selection. Further, IISER Mohali also reserves the right NOT to fill any of the post advertised. 
10. Canvassing in any form and/or bringing any influence political or otherwise will be treated as a disqualification for the post. 

11. If it is found at any stage that any information given in the application is incorrect/false, the candidature / appointment is liable to be cancelled / terminated on that ground. 
12. Candidates should keep their email id and mobile number provided in the application form active. Institute will not be liable to be responsible for non-receipt/delay in receipt of any communication due to deactivation of email id and or mobile number given or due to change in communication address etc. 
13. If there is any corrigendum / addendum, it shall be published on Institute’s website only. Candidates should check/visit Institute website regularly for any update on recruitment process. Institute will not be responsible for delay in information in this regard. 
14. The Institute may conduct the interview / written test / trade test / skill test (as the case may be) for the post, in view of the number of applications received for the post. 
15. Please note that only online applications will be entertained. Applications received through email or not on prescribed format will not be entertained / accepted. Incomplete applications i. e., applications without photographs, without the required self-attested copies of certificates, testimonials etc. without application fee, missing page of application form, unsigned or incomplete in any manner will not be entertained and will be summarily rejected.
16. Separate application form should be submitted for each post.
17. Applicants seeking reservation benefits available for SC/ST/OBC/EWS/PwD categories must upload the necessary documents justifying the claim of respective reservation as per Govt. of India lists / rules / norms. The certificate uploaded should be in the format prescribed by the Union Government. 
(i) Applicants seeking reservation benefits available for Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribe categories must upload category certificate in the prescribed form (attached as Annexure „A‟) issued by Competent Authority as per Govt. of India lists/rules/norms. (ii) Applicants applying for the post reserved for OBC must upload certificate of OBC (Non-Creamy Layer) in the prescribed form (attached as Annexure „B‟) issued by Competent Authority as per Govt. of India lists/rules/norms. The certificate should be of the current financial year, in accordance with instructions issued by the Union Government in this respect from time to time. Certificate must be valid for employment in Central Government Institutions. OBC candidate’s eligibility will be based on Castes borne in the Central List of Govt. of India. Their Sub-caste should also match with the entries in Central List of OBC, failing which their candidature as OBC candidate will not be considered. 
(iii) Applicants applying for the post reserved for EWS must upload their EWS status certificate in prescribed form (attached as Annexure „C‟) issued by the Competent Authority as per Govt. of India lists/rules/norms. The certificate should be of current financial year. As per DoPT OM No. 36039/1/2019-Estt (Res), dated 31.01.2019, the crucial date for submitting income and asset certificate by the candidate is the closing date for receipt of application for the post, except in cases where date is fixed otherwise.

18. Relaxation/concessions of age : Age relaxation/Concession in upper age limit will be as per Government of India norms (As per DoPT consolidated instructions currently updated as on 06.09.2022) and as amended from time-to-time.
19. The prescribed Essential Qualification/Experience indicated are bare minimum and mere possession of same will not entitle the candidates to be called for interview/written test/trade test/skill test (as the case may be). The candidates should, therefore, furnish details of all the qualifications and experience possessed in the relevant field, over and above the minimum qualifications prescribed along with documentary evidences. Institute also reserves the right to adopt any other additional shortlisting criteria over and above the advertised criteria to restrict the reasonable no. of candidates for participating further in recruitment process. The shortlisting Committee of the Institute may adopt shortlisting criteria to restrict the number of candidates to be called for interview/written test/trade test/skill test (as the case may be) to a reasonable number by one or more of the following methods:
i. On the basis of higher educational qualifications than the minimum prescribed in the advertisement. 
ii. On the basis of higher experience in the relevant field than the minimum prescribed in the advertisement. 
iii. By counting experience before and / or after the acquisition of essential qualifications. 
iv. Experience gained in relevant posts under Central / State Government / Central / State funded Educational Institutes / Govt. Universities. 
v. Rejecting the incomplete applications. 
vi. By holding a Screening Test of qualifying nature only for shortlisting the candidates. 
20. Any legal proceedings in respect of any matter of claim or dispute arising out of this advertisement can be instituted in Hon’ble Punjab and Haryana High Court, Chandigarh only and it shall have sole and exclusive jurisdiction to try any such cause/ disputes. 
21. No TA/DA will be paid to the candidates for attending the written test / skill test / interview (as the case may be). 
22. In case of ambiguity in Hindi and English language of the advertisement, English version will prevail.

How to Apply
1. It will be mandatory for all the applicants to apply online and to upload all supporting self- attested certificates and documents. The documents uploaded with the online application, will be verified with original testimonials at the time of skill test/interview, if the applicants are called for the same. 
2. For submission of online application form
3. Correspondence, if any, from the Institute including interview/test call letter to the short-listed candidates shall be sent to the e-mail ID only provided by the applicant. 
4. Candidates are advised in their own interest to submit online applications much before the closing date and not to wait till the last date to avoid the possibility of disconnection/ inability or failure to login to the website on account of heavy load on the website during the closing days. Applications received after expiry of last date will not be entertained and Institute will not be responsible for any delay. 
5. While filling online application form, candidate should take due care as no editing in the data filled will be allowed and no correction by the Institute can be done and application once submitted will not be allowed to be withdrawn under any circumstances. Therefore, please keep all data/details ready before you start filling up the application form. 
6. Candidates must pay online application fee of Rs.1,100/- for GEN/OBC-NCL/EWS/ESM. Fee is exempted for SC/ST/PwBD/ Women Candidates of any community. Fee by any other mode of payment will not be accepted. Fee once paid shall not be refunded under any circumstances nor can it be held in reserve for any other recruitment or selection process.

Last date of submission of application forms is 25.09.2024 up to 5:00 P. M.

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