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Job Openings for Pharmacists at Southern Railway, 22 vacancies

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Job Openings for Pharmacists at Southern Railway

Southern Railway, in its present form, came into existence on 14th April 1951 through the merger of the three state railways namely Madras and Southern Mahratta Railway, the South Indian Railway, and the Mysore state railway.  Southern Railway's present network extends over a large area of India's Southern Peninsula, covering the states of Tamilnadu, Kerala, Pondicherry,and a small portion of Andhra Pradesh. Serving these naturally plentiful and culturally rich southern states, the SR extends from Mangalore on the west coast and Kanniyakumari in the south to Renigunta in the North West and Gudur in the North East.

Post : Pharmacist

Applications are therefore invited from eligible retired Railway employees in the prescribed format as per Annexure enclosed along with the relevant documents for re-engagement in the following posts of Para Medical categories (Group ‘C’) in Medical Department of Southern Railway & ICF Hospitals.

No of posts : 22
Medical Classification : C2
Eligibility : a) Retired railway employees from Medical Department already worked in the specific post applied for.
b) Retired employees should not have been covered under Safety Related Retirement Scheme (SRRS)/Liberalized Active Retirement Scheme for Guaranteed Employment for safety (LARSGESS)
c) Retired employees should not have been compulsorily retired / removed or dismissed from service.
Medical Fitness : Must be found medically fit in appropriate category as mentioned earlier against each post.
Age limit / Period of Engagement : The maximum age limit for engagement of retired employees shall be 65 years of age. The limit shall not be exceeded during the period of engagement. The re-engaged employees shall continue upto the last day of the month in which he/she attains 65 years of age (i.e) following the same system as that of normal retirement.
i) A fixed monthly amount shall be admissible as remuneration during the contract period, arrived at by deducting the basic pension from the pay drawn at the time of retirement. The amount of remuneration so fixed shall remain unchanged for the term of the contract.
ii) No increment, Dearness Allowance and HRA shall be allowed during the term of the contract.
iii) An appropriate and fixed amount as Transport Allowance for the purpose of commuting between the residence and the place of work shall be allowed not exceeding the rate applicable to the appointee at the time of retirement. The amount so fixed shall remain unchanged during the term of appointment. However, they may be allowed TA/DA on official tour, if any, as per their entitlement at the time of retirement.
iv) Paid leave of absence may be allowed at the rate of 1.5 days for each i completed months of service.
(Ref: Para No.5 of Railway Board letter No. E(NG)ll/2005/RC-4/SC/2 Pt.l dt.28.06.2024)

Documents to be attached (self attested)
a) Copy of Service Certificate.
b) Copy of Pension Payment Order.
c) Copy of Last Pay Slip.
d) Copy of Saving Bank Account Pass Book
e) Four copies of Recent Passport size photograph
Selection / Suitability and other
conditions for re¬engagement. 
a) Suitability / Competency of the Retired employees will be adjudged before re-engagement on the issue of their safety record as well as the safety and other operational requirements as needed will be adequately scrutinized. The selection is subject to the retired employees being found suitable by the committee constituted for the purpose.
b) Re-engaged retired employees will be discharged immediately on joining of the selected candidates from RRB/RRC/CGA or regular employees on transfer / promotion.
c) The administration is at liberty to terminate the services of the re¬engaged personnel without prior notice, in case their performance is found to be unsatisfactory. The service of the re-engaged personnel will be terminated on attaining the age of 65 years or on joining of the selected candidates from RRB/RRC/CGA or posting of regular employees on transfer / promotion or on 30.06.2025 whichever is earlier. The re-engaged employees will not have the right for continuity in Service.

Other terms and conditions 
1. The re-engagement is purely on temporary basis and the staff discharged as & when suitable regular incumbents joined the pos by way of recruitment or by transfer or on attaining the age of 65 yea whichever is earlier or on cessation of the scheme or due to surrender o post or due to manpower planning or administration does not require the services.
2. The working hours of re-engaged staff will be the same as that of the regular staff in similar post.
3. The period of such re-engagement will not be counted as service for any purposes as admissible to regular serving employees.
4. Re-engagement of staff will not be entitled for PLB or any other extra benefits admissible to serving employees.
5. Re-engaged staff will not be covered for any coverage under ECA, PWA, Payment of Gratuity Act or any other statutory enactments admissible to serving railway employees.
6. Re-engaged staff will not covered by any of the Welfare Scheme i.e. CGA, Ex-Gratia Funeral Advance etc. as admissible to regular employees.
7. Re-engaged staff will not be entitled for any advance as admissible to regular employees.
8. Re-engaged staff may be posted anywhere in Southern Railway/ICF Hospitals as per administrative exigency.
9. The actual vacancies may decrease as per the requirement of the Railway Administration at the time of actual consideration for engagement.
10. The shortlisted retired staff should be in readiness to appear before the selection committee for scrutiny, which is proposed to held tentatively 05 days after the closing date of this notification.

Applications to be sent to : Assistant Personnel Officer / SMO, Headquarters Office, Southern Railway, Chennai-600003.

Application Form & More Info

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