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Work as Technical Officer at Regional Medical Research Centre, M.Pharm, MSc Apply

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Work as Technical Officer at Regional Medical Research Centre

Applications are invited for the following technical posts to be filled on regular basis at ICMR- Regional Medical Research Centre, Port Blair. Last date for submission of application is 16th October 2023.

Post : Technical Officer- ‘B’ Group’b’ (Non- Ministerial)

No of posts : 02

Pay Level (as per 7th CPC) : Level-10 56,100- 1,77,500
Essential qualification : i) 1st Class post graduate degree in Entomology/ Microbiolgy/ Virology/ Pharmacy/ Pharmacology or 2nd class PG degree with Ph.D in relevant subject from a recognized Institution/ University

Age : Not exceeding 35 years

Conditions to Apply
1) The candidate interested to apply for the post of Technical Officer-‘B’ should submit duly completed application form in all aspects attached with the advertisement. Candidate has to fill all the columns in the application form and should write ‘NA’ in respect of columns which are not applicable or irrelevantto the candidate.
2) Application form may be downloaded from the websites and
3) The duly completed application form along with relevant self-attested documents and non- refundable application fee in the form of Indian Postal Order/Demand Draft of Rs.300/- (Rupees three hundred only) in favour of Director RMRC, payable at Port Blair should be sent in a sealed envelope cover super scribing “Application for the post of Technical Officer-B to “The Director, ICMR- Regional Medical Research Centre, Dollygunj, Port Blair-744103” through Speed Post/Registered post/Courier (applications by hand will not be received) latest by 16th October 2023.
4) PwD and women candidates are exempted from payment of the application fee.
5) No age relaxation would be available to SC/ST/OBC candidates for unreserved vacancies.

6) The crucial date for determining the age limit shall be the last date of receipt of applications i.e 16th October 2023 for the post.
7) Age relaxation up to 5 years for Group ‘B’ post are allowed to the Central Government servant as per DoPT guidelines vide OM No.15012/2/2010-Estt.(D) dated 27th March 2012 (General/Unreserved) who have rendered not less than 3 years regular and continuous service as on closing date for receipt of application. This relaxation is admissible to such of the Governments servants as are working in posts which are in the same line or allied cadres and where a relationship could be established that the service already rendered in a particular post will be useful for the efficient discharge of the duties of posts.
8) The Government servant willing to apply for the post should submit their applications “THROUGH PROPER CHANNEL” only along with a No Objection Certificate duly issued by the competent authority, failing which their application will be merely rejected.
9) Any addendum/ corrigendum regarding advertisement shall be published in the websites and only.
10) Date, time and venue of the written test will be communicated to the shortlisted candidates through call letters/admit cards and no enquiry/request in this regard will be entertained. Candidates are advised to visit ICMR and RMRC websites from time-to-time for the updated status of the recruitment process.
11) Any change in the address for communication should be intimated to our office immediately.

Written Examination
i. CBT (Computer Based Test) will be conducted for 100 marks.
ii. 95 percent weightage will be given to the marks scored by the candidate in the CBT (Computer Based Test) and 5 percent weightage will be given for research/lab/field experience in any Government recognized/ approved / registered Institution or Organization obtained after meeting the Essential Qualification as prescribed in the recruitment rule/ advertisement.
iii. The 5 percent weightage for Post Essential Qualification research/ Lab /field experience in any Government recognized / approved/ registered Institution or Organization will be added to the marks scored by the candidate in the CBT as mentioned below :
Relevant Experience & Weightage (marks)
>1 and upto 2 years : 1
>2 and upto <4 years : 2
>4 and upto <6 years :3
>6 and upto <8 years :4
>=8 years : 5

Note : In complete/late or without IPO/DD will straight away be rejected. The Director, ICMR-RMRC, Port Blair reserves the right to accept or reject any/all the applications. The vacancies shown are tentative and may vary. Any canvassing by or on behalf of the 3 candidates or to bring political or other outside influence with regard to selection/recruitment shall be a disqualification. No TA/DA will be paid to attend the written Test.

Last Date of receipt of applications : 16th October 2023

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