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Recruitment for Pharmacist at All India Institute of Medical Sciences, 7 posts

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Recruitment for Pharmacist at All India Institute of Medical Sciences

AIIMS Raebareli is an apex healthcare Institute, established by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India under the Pradhan Mantri Swasthya Suraksha Yojna (PMSSY) with the aim of correcting regional imbalances in quality tertiary level healthcare in the country and attaining self- sufficiency in graduate and postgraduate medical education and training.

Post : Pharmacist

No of posts : 07 (UR-5, OBC-1, SC-1)

Age Limit : Between 21- 27 years
Pay Level : Level-5
Essential Qualification :
1. Diploma In Pharmacy from a recognised University/Institution
2. Should be a registered Pharmacist under Pharmacy Act 1948
Desirable : Experience in manufacture/ storage/testing of transfusion fluids in a reputed hospital or industry.

General Conditions
1. Cut off Date : Cut-off date to determine eligibility in terms of age, qualifications and experiences of the candidates will be the last date of submission of online application. The link for submission of online applications in respect of above said posts along with other relevant information will be activated in the Institute website i.e. The last date of online submission of applications will be 30 days from the date of publication of this advertisement in the Institute website. In case the last date falls on weekly off or holidays, then the last date of submission of application will be shifted to the next working days (up to 5.00 P.M.).

Application Fees
1. For un-reserved/OBC candidates fee shall be Rs.3000/ + GST@ 18% (Total Rs. 3540). For SC/ST/EWS candidates it is Rs.1500/+ GST@ 18% (Total Rs. 1770). Persons with Disabilities – Fee exempted
2. The candidates can pay the prescribed application fee online by clicking in the link provided in the website while filling up the Online Application.
3. Application fee once remitted shall not be refunded under any circumstances.
4. Incomplete application(s) and application received without the prescribed fee would not be considered and summarily rejected. The decision of the Competent Authority of AIIMS, Raebareli in this regard will be final.

How to Apply
1. The applicants applying in response to this advertisement should satisfy themselves regarding their eligibility for the post applied for. They must be fulfilling eligibility criteria as on the cut-off date failing which their application will be rejected. They must possess the educational qualification and experience as recognized by the Govt. of India. Their candidature will be cancelled at any stage if it is found that their educational qualification or experiences is not recognized by the Govt. of India.
2. The aspiring applicants satisfying the eligibility criteria in all respect can apply through ON-LINE application mode only. The On-line registration of application will be made available on official website of AIIMS, Raebareli i.e. The notification for date of activation of link for submission of online applications in respect of above said posts along with other relevant information will be notified on the website.
3. Candidates are advised to fill their correct and active e-mail ID in the online application, as all correspondences will be made by the Institute through e-mail.
4. The candidate must ensure that their photo, signature and thumb impression should be clearly visible in preview at the time of online application. If photo/signature/thumb impression image is displayed small or not visible in preview on website, that means photo/signature is not as per the AIIMS, Raebareli prescribed guidelines and in that case, their application will be rejected. So, candidates are advised to be careful while uploading their photo and signature. Both must be visible clearly on Online Application Form.
5. No documents including online application form is required to be sent, however, all the applicants are advised to keep a copy of online application form with them along with proof of payment (a copy of challan /online payment receipt) for their record.
6. In case a candidate wishes to apply for more than one post, he/she is required to fill in the form separately through Online mode and separate application fees as applicable is to be paid.

Test Centre : Computer Based Test (CBT) is likely to be held at the below mentioned cities. Candidates must indicate their preference in the order of priority in online application form from where they desire to take the CBT. The Institute reserves the right to cancel any of the Centres on ground of less number of candidates or any other ground and ask candidates of that centre to appear from another centre/city. No request for change of examination/CBT centre once allotted will be entertained, Candidates will have to appear at the allotted centre at his/her own arrangement and expenses. Tentative test centre/city for CBT is as follows:- 1. New Delhi/Delhi 2. Mumbai 3. Kolkata 4. Hyderabad 5. Bengaluru 6. Lucknow 7. Patna 8. Guwahati 9. Jammu 10. Jaipur 11. Chandigarh 12. Bhopal

e-Admit Card for CBT : Candidates shall be issued an e-Admit Card for appearing in CBT. The e-Admit Card will be made available on the website of AIIMS Raebareli for downloading by candidates. ‘Admit Card’ will not be sent to candidates by any other mode. In case of any discrepancies/errors in e-Admit Card, candidates must immediately report the same to the Recruitment Cell, AIIMS Raebareli for correction.

Age Relaxation
SC/ST : 5 years
OBC : 3 years
PWBD : 10 years, subject to the condition that maximum age of the applicant on the crucial date shall not exceed 56 years.
Ex-Servicemen and Commission Officers including ECOs/SSCOs for Group B posts : (a) Five years’ subject to the condition that on the closing date for receipt of applications the continuous service rendered in the Armed Forces by an Ex- Serviceman is not less than six months after attestation. This relaxation is also available to ECOs/SSCOs who have completed their initial period of assignment of five years of Military Service and whose assignment has been extended beyond five years as on closing date and in whose case the Ministry of Defense issues certificates that they will be released within 3 months on selection from the date of receipt of offer of appointment. Candidates claiming age relaxation under this para would be required to produce a certificate in the prescribed proforma. NOTE: Ex Servicemen who have already secured regular employment under the Central Govt. in a Civil Post are permitted the benefit of age relaxation as admissible for Ex- Servicemen for securing another employment in any higher post or service under the Central Govt. However, such candidates will not be eligible for the benefit of reservation, if any for Ex-Servicemen in Central Govt. jobs
In order to qualify for the concession under (a) above, candidates concerned would be required to produce a certificate that they have been released from the Defense Forces. The certificate for Ex-Servicemen and Commissioned Officers including ECOs/SSCOs should be signed by the appropriate authorities specified below and should also specify the period of service in the Defense Forces: - (i) In case of Commissioned Officers including ECOs/SSCOs: Army: Directorate of Personnel Services, Army Headquarters, New Delhi. Navy: Directorate of Personnel Services Naval Headquarters, New Delhi. Air Force: Directorate of Personnel Services, Air Headquarters, New Delhi. (ii) In case of JCOs/ORs and equivalent of the Navy and Air Forces: Army: By various Regimental Record Offices. Navy: Naval Records, Bombay Air Force: Air Force Records, New Delhi.

General Instructions to Candidates
1. On appointment, in addition to pay, selected candidates will be entitled to other allowances and service benefits i.e. DA, HRA (or accommodation), TA, Leave, LTC, NPS, Employee Health Scheme etc. as admissible to employees of AIIMS Raebareli.
2. All the appointees are expected to conform to the rules of conduct and discipline as applicable to the employees of AIIMS Raebareli.
3. Without prejudice to criminal/legal/disciplinary action, the candidate is liable to be disqualified from the CBT/recruitment process on account of the following:-
i. Using unfair means during the CBT/recruitment process; or
ii. Violating instructions mentioned in the e-Admit Card or given by officials; or
iii. Impersonating or procuring impersonation by any person; or
iv. Misbehaving in the examination hall / place of Document Verification (DV); or
v. Damaging infrastructure/equipment in the examination hall/place of DV; or
vi. Obstructing the conduct of examination/recruitment process; or
vii. Instigating other candidates to boycott the examination / DV process; or
viii. Making statements which are incorrect or false, suppressing material information, submitting fabricated documents, etc. or
ix. Any other inappropriate and undisciplined behavior during the process.
4. In case, any information or declaration given by the candidate is found to be false or if the candidate has willfully suppressed any material information relevant to this recruitment, he/she will be liable to be removed from the service and/or action, as deemed fit, may be taken against him/her by the appointing authority.
5. The candidate should not have been convicted by any Court of Law.
6. Candidates should note that their candidature will remain provisional till the veracity of the document submitted by them is verified by AIIMS Raebareli.
7. In case of any inadvertent mistake in the process of selection which may be detected at any stage even after the issue of appointment letter, the Institute reserves the right to modify/withdraw any communication made to the candidate.
8. The Executive Director, AIIMS Raebareli reserves the right of any amendment, cancellation, and changes to this advertisement including increase/decrease in number of seats as a whole or in part without assigning any reason.
9. No TA/DA will be paid for appearing in the recruitment process/test/interview.
10. Candidates may use Hindi or English language in the selection process except for the test of language which will be in the concerned language only.
11. Communication with candidates regarding recruitment process will be made through email ID only provided by them in their online application form.
12. Any corrigendum or revision of the advertisement or any other information regarding this recruitment will be posted on the Official website of AIIMS, Raebareli only in due course. Candidates are advised to visit our website regularly for updated information in this regard.
13. Any dispute in regard to this recruitment will be subject to the Court/Tribunal having jurisdiction over Raebareli/Lucknow (UP).

Closing Date of Online Application : 16.10.2023

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