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Recruitment for Drugs Inspector under Public Service Commission 32 vacancies

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Recruitment for Drugs Inspector under Public Service Commission

The Gujarat Public Service Commission was constituted under article 315(1) of the constitution of India has defined function of the public service commission in which one of the most significant power listed is the power as an advisory. It can give advice to the president and the governors of any state in.  As per the provision of the Constitution of India formation of the Gujarat Public Service Commission has been made on 01-05-1960.

Post : Drugs Inspector, Gujarat Drugs Service, Class-II

No of posts : 32 (General-13, SC-2, ST-2, SEBC-12, EWS-3)
Pay Scale : Pay: - Pay band 39900-1,26,600/-(according to seventh pay commission)
Minimum Age: Must have completed 21 years on the last date of Advertisement. Maximum Age: Must not have completed 36 years on the last date of Advertisement Age will be calculated on the last date of the receipt of the application. 
Un Reserved : 05 (Female)
Ex-serviceman/Officers : 05(Male) ; 05 (Female)
Physically disabled candidates Upto 10 (Male) ; Upto 10 (Female)
Education Qualification
1.Possess a Bachelor's Degree in Pharmacy or Pharmaceutical Sciences or Medicine with specialization in Clinical Pharmacology or Microbiology or degree in Pharm.D. obtained from any of the Universities established or incorporated by or under the Central or a State Act in India; or any other educational Institution recognized as such or declared to be deemed as a University under section - 3 of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956
2. Possess the basic knowledge of computer application as prescribed in the Gujarat Civil Services Classification and Recruitment (General) Rules,1967; 3. Have adequate knowledge of Gujarati or Hindi or both.
Experience : Not Applicable
Pattern of Exam : Direct Recruitment
Prelim Exam : Total 300 Marks (Part-A: General Studies 100-Questions-100 Marks and Part-B: Concerned Subject 200-Questions, 200 Marks, Time Duration 3 hours (180 minutes))
Main Exam : Not Applicable
Marks for Interview : 100 marks
System of Merit : 50% Weightage of obtained Marks of Prelims and 50% Weightage of obtained Marks of Interview (50:50 weight-age)

General Provisions of Advertisement
A Citizenship: Candidate,
(a) a citizen of India or
(b) a citizen of Nepal or
(c) a citizen of Bhutan or
(d) a Tibetan exile who must have resided in India before January 1, 1922 with the intention of permanent residence  
e) Native Indian person who intends to settle permanently in India from East African countries like Pakistan, East Pakistan (Bangladesh), Burma (Myanmar), Sri Lanka, Kenya, Uganda.  Must be from the United Republic of Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi, Zaire, Ethiopia, or Vietnam, but with sub-number (b), (c), (d).  And in the case of candidates appearing in (e) the government should have issued a certificate of eligibility. 
Note: - The Commission will consider the application form of the candidate in whose case the eligibility certificate is required.  And if his name is recommended for appointment, the state government will give him temporary appointment on condition of issuing a certificate of eligibility in his case.
Application Fees: - Candidates of General (Unreserved) category have to pay Rs. 100/- +applicable postal charges as Application Fees, while Candidates belonging to reserved categories and Economically Weaker Section of Unreserved category, Ex-serviceman of Gujarat state and physically disabled candidates have not to pay application fees. While candidates of reserved category of other states have to pay application fee.
Application Form:
1) If you want to apply for more than one advertisement, you have to apply separately for each advertisement and pay the fee with each application.
2) Non-reserved category candidates, if you pay the fee at the post office, pay Rs.100 + postal charges and if at on-line mode, then you will have to pay Rs.100 + service charges. Exemption from payment of fees so that they do not have to pay any fee. Candidates of reserved category will not have to pay application fee if they apply for non-reserved seats.  And they will be subject to non-anonymity criteria for selection.
3) Even if there are no reserved seats for women candidates in the advertisement, women candidates can apply in that category.
4) In the advertisement, out of the total seats in that category, women candidates can apply.  When vacancies are reserved, the remaining seats other than those reserved for women candidates are not to be considered as reserved only for male candidates, these seats may be considered for selection of male as well as female candidates.  Male as well as female candidates can apply (e.g out of total 10 seats, 3 seats are reserved for women candidates but women candidates can also be selected against the remaining 07 seats)  Even if there are only seats reserved for women candidates in the advertisement.  Male candidates can apply in the category as female candidates are not available. Male candidates may be considered for selection in these seats but only those seats which are reserved for women candidates and are filled by women candidates in such a number.
5) Advertisement only if seats are reserved for female candidates in which male candidates can apply in that category as female candidates are not available.  Therefore, if there is a reserve and the number of women candidates in that seat is fully selected, then they will have to be considered first and if no woman candidate is selected or less female candidate is selected, then the same number of male candidates will be considered (e.g.  A total of 10 seats are reserved for female candidates and if 08 male candidates are selected, then 02 male candidates can be selected.

In case of Medical/Dental/Veterinary/Legal or any other post where registration is required, the candidate has to produce 2 copy of registration certificate and at the time of application the certificate that registration is in progress at that institution.  

Important Features
1) For the appointment of this post, the first preliminary test and then the face-to-face interview will be conducted. The eligibility of the candidates for the face-to-face interview will be determined by verifying the necessary applications based on the marks of the preliminary test.   The medium of this test shall be Gujarati or English as decided by the Commission. The Preliminary Test will normally be held at Gandhinagar Ahmedabad and candidates will have to attend at their own expense.  Final selection will be made on the basis of marks obtained in the Aptitude Test and Personal Interview.
(2) It is necessary to obtain marks in the preliminary examination as per the minimum qualifying standard prescribed by the Commission.  That is, any candidate who will not be able to secure the marks as per the minimum qualifying standard prescribed by the Commission in the preliminary examination, otherwise the candidates eligible for the 2nd verification will not be considered for the list to determine the eligibility for the face-to-face interview.
(3) If there is more than one paper in the preliminary examination for any advertisement of the Commission under direct selection, the candidate shall compulsorily appear in all the papers of the preliminary examination.  If the candidate does not appear in any one or more question papers, his (medwari) will be cancelled.

Face-to-face interview
(1) Face-to-face interview will be held at Aayog Bhawan only.  Candidates who are eligible for face-to-face interview based on the result of the preliminary test will have to attend the face-to-face interview at their own expense and compulsorily.  Also, the candidate has to be present at all stages for which there is a provision of physical ability test and/or physical criteria verification as per the recruitment events.  Candidates who remain absent at any stage of the recruitment process will have their candidature cancelled.
(2) Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Caste candidates and candidates without any means of income whose parents' annual income is not liable to income tax shall be sent to and from Gujarat ST for face-to-face visit from their place of residence.  Bus fare will be chargeable as per the ticket rate fixed by the Corporation. For this, the candidate has to fill up the prescribed form on the day of face-to-face interview and submit the Al ticket along with it.

(3) On the day of face-to-face visit, the original certificates mentioned in the letter of visit shall be produced.  And self-attested copies of these certificates and barcoded application form also have to be deposited in Aayog Bhawan.  which candidate   V. Special note that original certificate will not be produced otherwise they will not be eligible for face-to-face interview.  
(4) In case of Class-III case no face-to-face interview is to be held, the provision of face-to-face interview shall not be applicable in the recruitment process of Class-III.

Tentative Date of Prelim Exam : 17-Dec-2023
Tentative Date of result of Prelim Exam : March 2024
Tentative Month of Main Exam : Not Applicable
Tentative Month of Interview : May 2024
Tentative Month of Result : After 10 Days from last date of interview

Last Date : 30-09-2023

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