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Recruitement for Research Associate at IHBT

GPAT courses

Recruitement for Research Associate at IHBT

The CSIR-Institute of Himalayan Bioresource Technology, Palampur is one of the National Institutes under the Council of Scientific & Industrial Research which is an autonomous body working under the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, Ministry of Science & Technology, Government of India. It is spread over 226.1 acres of land with the backdrop of snow-covered peaks of Dhauladhar Range in salubrious climate.

Post : Research Associate

Walk-in-interview is scheduled to be held on the date(s) as mentioned below against the position(s) in the respective column for the selection of suitable candidate(s) in the areas under the following project for recruitment on purely temporary basis for the duration of the project as mentioned or till completion of the project, whichever is earlier.

Project(s) Title & (Project Number) : Role of viral and host factors in circulative transmission of tomato begomoviruses by the whitefly Bemisia tabaci' (GAP-0292)
Maximum Age (as on last date of receipt of application) : 40 Years as on 27.09.2023
Stipend Per Month Consolidated : Rs. 47,000/-+HRA (1st year) Rs. 49,000/- + HRA (2nd year) Rs. 54.000/- + HRA (3rd year)

Essential Qualification : PhD or equivalent degree or having 3 years of research and development experience after Master’s degree with at least one research paper in Science Citation Indexed (SCI) journal.
Desirable : Experience in Molecular Biology, Omics tools such as genomics, proteomics, metabolomics, transcriptomics NGS data analysis, small RNA analysis will be preferred. There is inbuilt training of Research Associate in France as per need of the project.
Tenure of the project upto : 01.05.2025

General instructions
1. Candidates reporting for interview after 10.00 AM will not be allowed to appear for interview.
2. Eligible candidates may appear for “Walk-in-lnterview(s)” on the date, time and place mentioned above along with an application on prescribed format (with latest colored passport size photo affixed on it) which is available on the CSIR-IHBT website i.e. along with self-attested photocopies of their testimonials of age, educational qualifications, experience etc. at the time of interview.
3. The tenure of Project Staff shall be coterminus with the project. The total tenure of project Staffs in CSIR should not exceed 5 years in any case. The total tenure of 5 years shall be calculated as per periods spent on one Project and/ or different Projects taken together in CSIR-IHBT, Palampur and/ or any other Lab./ Institute of CSIR as Project Staff.
4. Candidates must also bring with them original certificates of testimonials at the time of appearing for the interview failing which he/she will not be allowed to appear for interview.
5. No Travelling Allowance will be paid for attending the interview.
6. Candidates must ensure that they bring self-attested copies of their essential certificates otherwise, their applications will not be accepted.
7. The Selection Committee(s) may adopt the selection criterion at its own i.e. either by conducting direct interview or objective test (Based on Multiple Choice Questions) followed by interview on the same day.
8. Number of selected candidates may vary from the advertised positions depending upon performance of candidates during the selection process.
9. The decision of the Director, CSIR-IHBT, Palampur shall be final on any matter relating to engagement of above mentioned positions in CSIR-IHBT, Palampur (H.P.).
10. The Competent Authority reserves the right to relax any of the provisions contained in this advertisement on reasonable ground.
11. The performance of the Project Staff would be reviewed after every six-months period and any one not found up to the mark, may be terminated.
12. All the Candidates are advised to follow all the guidelines/instructions issued by the Government of India / Government of Himachal Pradesh/ CSIR/ Local Authorities to contain the spread of COVID-19 from time to time.
13. Request for online Interview will not be entertained at any circumstances.

Walk in Interview
Date : 27.09.2023
Time : 09.30 AM
Venue : CSIR- IHBT, Palampur (H.P.)

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