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Job for M.Pharm, B.Pharm, M.S at Indian Institute of Technology (BHU)

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Job for M.Pharm, B.Pharm, M.S at Indian Institute of Technology

Banaras Hindu University ranks among the first few in the country in the field of academic and research output. This university has two campuses, 3 institutes, 16 faculties, 140 departments, 4 advanced centers and 4 interdisciplinary schools. The University is making its mark at the national and international levels in a number of frontier areas of Science, Social Science, Technology, Medicine and Agriculture etc.

Post : Research Assistant (RA)

Duration of the Position : One year. Extendable up to two years (2 Years) based on the performance.
Emoluments :  Rs.20,000/per month
Essential Criteria : The candidate must be born in Uttar Pradesh (U.P) only.

Educational Qualification
1) B.Pharm and M.Pharm / M.S / M.Tech degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences / Biotechnology with first division.
2) Experience in western blotting, RT-PCR, IHC and in-vivo models of pain and neuroscience is desirable.
Upper Age limit as on 01/04/2022 : 28 years. As per the guidelines of CST-UP.

Job Profile
1) In this project, the selected candidate will be working on:
2) In-vitro and in-vivo models of pain and neuroscience in rodents.
3) Small animal surgeries (nerve injury and brain cannulation)
4) Molecular biology techniques including western blotting, immunohistochemistry, RTPCR, etc.
5) Data entry and analysis using appropriate software such as excel, sigma stat, etc
6) Writing manuscripts and presenting data at conferences.

General Terms and Conditions
1. The position is purely temporary and is coterminous with the project.
2. The PI has the discretion to restrict the number of candidates to be called for an interview to a reasonable limit on the basis of qualifications and experience higher than the minimum prescribed in the advertisement.
3. Only shortlisted candidates will be communicated to appear in the interview and no other communications in this regard will be entertained.
4. The candidate is expected to join immediately if selected.
5. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview.

Interested candidates should send their applications strictly in the attached application format via email to Principal Investigator, Dr. Vinod Tiwari at on or before 10 October 2022. Please write “Application for RA” in the subject line of the email. The shortlisted candidates will be intimated by email. Tentative date of interview: within two weeks of the application deadline.

Application Instructions
• Present the domicile certificate of Uttar Pradesh for verification prior to the interview.
• Birth certificate or equivalent document for date of birth verification.
• Original certificates and self-attested copies of all certificates need to be presented before the interview for verification.
• Canvassing in any form will lead to the disqualification of candidature.
• Venue of Interview – Department of Pharmaceutical Engineering & Technology, IIT (B.H.U.), Varanasi-221005.
• Application should be strictly according to the attached format.
• The Last date for receiving the completed application is 10 October 2022

More Info & Form

Application Form

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