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M.Pharm, M.Sc, B.Pharm recruitment under EDII-Anna Business Incubation research Foundation

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M.Pharm, M.Sc, B.Pharm recruitment under EDII-Anna Business Incubation research Foundation

Anna University Chennai Regional Office Tiruchirappalli (Formerly Anna University Tiruchirappalli) has been established as a Anna University Chennai Regional Office Tiruchirappalli by the Government of Tamilnadu. The Regional Office is functioning from 01-08-2012 at Tiruchirappalli, which is famously known as Rock Fort city. The Regional Office is situated 17Kms away in the main highway of Tiruchirappalli to Pudukkottai.

EDII-Anna Business Incubation Research Foundation, a Section 8 company of University College of Engineering, BIT Campus, Anna University, Tiruchirappalli - 620024 is inviting applications for selection of the following positions Chief Executive Officer, Incubation Scientist and Project Assistant.

Incubation Scientist

Essential Qualifications : UG & PG degrees in Pharmacy / Pharmaceutical Technology / Science / Engineering and/or Management.

Essential Experience : Minimum 5 years of strong functional experience preferably in technology/research management, product management, BD/Sales, etc. related to startups or mid-sized enterprises in the tech sector.

Desirable Exposure : 1. Entrepreneurship experience gained through/having been part of the founding team of a startup shall be given added advantage. 2. Prior experience in Incubation or Entrepreneurship development sector, Networking, Event Management shall be an added advantage

Job Profile : As an Incubation Scientist, in a full-time position, and under the guidance of the CEO of EDII-ABIRF, the incumbent shall manage end-to-end all matters related to execution of incubation programs, manage incubated start ups, plan and conduct outreach programs, build a network of partners, and create a robust ecosystem centred in University College of Engineering, BIT Campus, Anna University, Tiruchirappalli for fostering innovation and entrepreneurship, creating impact at a state level.

Contract & Compensation : 1 year contract, which could be extended based on performance, with a compensation monthly salary upto a maximum of Rs. 50,000 depending on qualification and proven experience.

Project Assistant

Essential Qualifications :
Project Assistant 1 : B.E. / B. Tech/ B. Pharm. /M. Sc in Basic Sciences.
Project Assistant 2 : B.Com/ B.B.A.

Essential Experience :
Project Assistant 1 : Minimum one year experience as Lab Assistant/Technician in an Industry or Educational Institution
Project Assistant 2 : Minimum one year experience in accounts management/ office administration

Desirable Exposure :
Project Assistant 1:
1. Operation and maintenance of machineries/analytical equipments.
2. Handling of sophisticated equipments & Conducting hands on training
Project Assistant 2:
1. Document all the financial transactions of the incubator- Sales and Cash Book Keeping, Stock Maintenance etc.
2. Finance related software such as TALLY and knowledge in use of computers for office management

Job Profile :
Project Assistant 1 : As a Project Assistant, in a full-time position, and under the guidance of CEO, Incubation Scientist and Director / Nodal Officer, the incumbent shall offer prototyping services to innovators and incubated companies, Maintain the equipment in working conditions by following up with maintenance schedules, make sure the annual maintenance contracts are renewed and equipment are taken care of.
Project Assistant 2 : As a Project Assistant, in a full-time position, and under the guidance of CEO, Incubation Scientist and Director/Nodal Officer, the incumbent shall maintain all the registers, stocks, reports and records, bill books, GST, inventory of sales, online transactions and other financial activities of EDII-ABIRF

Contract & Compensation : 1 year contract, which could be extended based on performance, with a compensation monthly salary upto a maximum of Rs. 15,000 depending on qualification and proven experience.


Essential Qualifications :
UG & PG degrees in Science/Engineering and/or Management.

Essential Experience : Minimum 15 years of strong functional experience preferably in technology/research management, product management, BD/Sales, managing investments etc. related to startups or mid-sized enterprises in the tech sector.

Desirable Exposure :
1. Entrepreneurship experience gained through/having been part of the founding team of a startup shall be given added advantage.
2. Prior experience in incubation or Entrepreneurship development sector shall be an added advantage.
3. Strong track-record of having built and managed multi-disciplinary teams, with proven leadership, execution and networking skills.

Job Profile :
As CEO, in a full-time position, and under the guidance and direction of the Board of Directors of EDII-ABIRF, the incumbent shall lead the establishment of the incubation centre, manage end-to-end all matters related to strategic planning, financial budgeting, design and execution of incubation programs, building a network of partners, and creating a robust ecosystem centred in University College of Engineering, BIT Campus, Anna University, Tiruchirappalli for fostering innovation and entrepreneurship, creating impact at a state level.

Contract & Compensation : 1 year contract, which could be extended based on performance, with a compensation monthly salary upto a maximum of Rs. 1 Lakh depending on qualification and proven experience.

Interested candidates are requested to send their detailed C.V. highlighting, the above credentials. Xerox copies of all documents necessary to substantiate credentials are to be enclosed along with the C.V. The above may be sent with a covering letter addressed to
The Dean cum Nodal Officer,
EDII-Anna Business Incubation Research Foundation,
University College of Engineering
Anna University, BIT Campus
Tiruchirappalli - 620 024

in a cover super scribed as “Application for the post of CEO / Incubation Scientist / Project Assistant in EDII-ABIRF" on or before 22.10.2021

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