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Walk in interview for Traineeship at Dibrugarh University

Clinical research courses

Dibrugarh University, the easternmost University of India was set up in 1965 under the provisions of the Dibrugarh University Act, 1965 enacted by the Assam Legislative Assembly. It is a teaching-cum-affiliating University with limited residential facilities. The University is situated at Rajabheta at a distance of about five kilometres to the south of the premier town of Dibrugarh in the eastern part of Assam as well as India.

Traineeship  01 (one post) purely temporary for a period of five month.

Following position under DBT funded Bioinformatics Infrastructure Facility (BIF) project. The Posts are purely temporary and terminable at any time without prior notice or assigning any reason thereof. The person engaged, shall not lie entitled for any claim implicit or explicit for permanent absorption in the University.

Stipend/ Fellowship: Rs. 10,000/- p.m. fixed.

Essential Qualification: Post Graduate degree in Biotechnology/ Bioinformatics/ Biotechnology and Bioinformatics/ Life Sciences/ Pharmaceutical Sciences with good knowledge of Bioinformatics/Drug Designing software and tools.

Desirable Qualification: Prior Knowledge of Bioinformatics/ Programming Languages.

Interested candidate may attend the Walk-in Interview with supporting original documents of educational qualifications and photocopies of marksheets, certificates, testimonials, caste certificates (if applicable), experience certificate (if any), full text printouts of publications and a copy of recent curriculum vitae (CV) with two copies of recent passport photograph.
• No TA & DA will be paid for appearing in the interview.
• The Stipend/ Fellowship amount is subject to the sanction of DBTT, New Delhi

Walk-In Interview is scheduled to be held at 11:00 am on 13.09.2019 in the Centre for Biotechnology and Bioinformatics, Dibrugarh University

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