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Job Openings Pharmacists (03 Posts) at LAHDC - Government Jobs

Clinical research courses

The council was created under the Ladakh Autonomous Hill Development Council Act 1995, following demands of Ladakhi people to make Leh District a new Indian Union Territory because of its religious and cultural differences with the rest of Jammu and Kashmir. In October 1993, the Indian Union Government and the Jammu and Kashmir State Government agreed to grant Ladakh the status of Autonomous Hill Council. The council came into being with the holding of elections on 28 August 1995

Post : Pharmacist

Health Department Kargil

No of Posts : 03

Monthly stipend/ Honorarium : 10,000/-

Qualification required : Matric with Diploma in pharmacy or Medical Asstt. from J&K SMF or any other recognized institute.

Age as on 01-01-2019 are not:-
I) Below the age of 18 years
II) Above the age of:-
a) 40 years in case of Open Merit
b) 43 years in case of SC/ST/RBA/ALC/OSC Candidates.
c) 42 years in case of physically challenged candidates.
d) 48 years in case of Ex. Serviceman.
e) 40 years in case of candidates already in Govt. Service/Contractual Employees
C) Possesses the academic / professional / technical qualifications and fulfill all other conditions of eligibility prescribed for the posts as detailed in annexure “A” of this Notification by or on the last date of receipt of applications fixed for the purpose.

How to apply:
I) The application forms will be available on official website of the District i.e as well as in the office of Deputy Director Employment and Counseling Centre (Secretary, DSSRB, LAHDC) Kargil.
II) The photographs cut to the size of space earmarked therefore, should be pasted (not stapled) on the application form. The photograph so pasted should be self-attested by the candidates. The details of certificates in respect of eligibility qualification, additional qualification, reserved category (SC,ST,RBA,OSC,ALC.EXM and HC) or any other certificate relied upon should be clearly detailed in the application form at appropriate place. Self attested copies of all certificates / testimonials should be enclosed / annexed with the application form It should, however, be borne in mind that only such qualifications and claims vis-a-vis the qualification and category etc. should be recorded in the application form, which are relevant and in possession of the candidate before the last date for receipt of application forms. Any qualification or claim accruing to the candidate after the last date of receipt of applications shall not merit any consideration and shall be treated to have been rejected without any in mation to the defaulters. No under process claim will be considered at any stage.
III) The certificates and testimonials which are in possession of the candidate before the last date of receipt of application forms shall have to be produced by the applicants called for viva-voce /written test at the time of conduct of such test / interview.
IV) Application form incomplete in any respect shall be liable to be rejected without any notice.
V) The application form shall be signed by the candidate himself. The application form signed by any other person other than the candidate shall be rejected without any notice.
VI) The application form complete in all respects should be placed personally or by post in the office of the Deputy Director Employment & Counselling Centre, LAHDC, Kargil by or before 16.09.2019.
VII) In service candidates shall route their application through proper channel on or before the last date for receipt of applications.
VIII) The candidates will not be given any chance to edit their applications after submission.

Closing date of receipt of application forms: 16.09.2019


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