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Career for Pharmacist at MDSL - Government of India Undertaking

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Mazagon Dock Shipbuilders Limited, Mumbai, an ISO 9001: 2008 Company is one of the leading shipbuilding yard in India. The History of Mazagon Dock dates back to 1774, when a small dry dock was constructed in Mazagon. Over the years, MDL has earned a reputation for quality work and established a tradition of skilled and resourceful service to the shipping world in general and the Indian Navy & Coast Guard. It was incorporated as a Private Limited Company in 1934.  After its takeover by the Government in 1960, Mazagon Dock grew rapidly to become the premier war-shipbuilding yard in India, producing warships for the Navy and offshore structures for the Bombay High. It has grown from a single unit, small ship repair company, into a multi-unit and multi-product company, with significant rise in production, use of modern technology and sophistication of products.

Post : Pharmacist

Qualification: Must have passed SSC / HSC with full time D. Pharm / B. Pharrm from any Govt. recognized University.

Age Limit: Maximum age limit is 38 years and minimum age limit not less than 18 years as on 01 Aug ‘19.

Period of Contract: The contract for all the above categories will be for maximum period of two years.

Description of Duties are as under: Required to work on Shipbuilding Project 12651 Hull Fabrication Work, Project 12704 & 12705 outfitting Work & other associated work related to the project. The selected Candidates are required to work on production related job / outfitting work as per the Production Norms and Multi Trade policies in force in the Company including the job specifications incorporated in these policies and amended from time to time.

Selection Process
a. The candidates will be called for “Written Test” based on the information provided by them Online. The Detailed scrutiny of documents of the candidates shortlisted will be done at the time of Trade Test.
b. Based on the performance of Written Test & Experience marks the candidates would be called for Trade Test. The final merit list would be prepared based on combine marks of Online Written Test, Experience & Trade Test.
c. The marking pattern would be as under:
Selection Criteria & Weightage
Written Test : 30%
Experience in Shipbuilding Industry : 20%
Trade Test : 50%

General Information and Instructions
i) Before applying for the post, candidate should ensure that he / she fulfills the eligibility criteria and other conditions mentioning in the advertisement.
i) Candidature is liable to be rejected at any stage of the recruitment process or after recruitment or joining, if any information provided by the candidate is found to be false or not in conformity with the eligibility criteria mentioned in the advertisement.
iii) The Qualifying Requirements & Age limit shall be reckoned as on 01 Aug ‘19.
iv) Outstation Candidates SC/ST called for Trade Test shall be reimbursed Travelling Expenses by the shortest route by Second Class / Bus from the correspondence address mentioned in the application form on production of tickets as given below. Travelling Allowance will not be paid to the candidates who are found Ineligible after verification of documents at the time of Personal Interview.
v) MDL reserves the right to cancel/ modify/ restrict/ enlarge/ alter the recruitment process, if need so arises without issuing any further notice or assigning any reason thereof.

vi) Intimation regarding Online Exam, Trade Test & Result: List of ‘Eligible Candidates’, list of ‘Not-Eligible Candidates’, ‘Trade Test Schedule’, ‘Result’ etc. will be hosted only on MDL Website under the head “Career->Non-Executives”. Candidates are requested to visit MDL website time to time to get themselves updated on the recruitment status.
vii) In case of any ambiguity/ discrepancy in the online recruitment portal the terms & conditions as mentioned in this advertisement will prevail.
viii) Any further Information/ Corrigendum/ Addendum would be uploaded only on MDL website.
ix) MDL reserves the right to fill up all the vacancies advertised or part or cancel the entire recruitment process at any point of time during the recruitment process.
x) Decision of the Management in all matters regarding eligibility criteria, trade test, interview, selection would be final and binding on all candidates. No representation or correspondence will be entertained by the Company in this regard.
xi) Camera / Mobile with camera is not permitted inside the company premises.
xii) Canvassing in any form will be a disqualification for appointment
xiii) Any dispute with respect to this recruitment is subject to Mumbai.

Important Dates
• Last Date of MDL Online Application : 05 Sep ‘19
• Display of List of Eligible Candidates on MDL website : 13 Sep ‘19
• Last Date for representation regarding ineligibility : 18 Sep ‘19
• Tentative Date for announcement of Online Examination : 23 Sep ‘19




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