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Applications are invited for post of Principal at Gangamai College of Pharmacy

Clinical research courses

Gangamai institute offers complete professionalism of an urban education and healthy atmosphere. Gangamai Institute mainly running under two heads Nagaon Education Trust (NET) and Nagaon Education Society (NES) and Nagaon Education Society has wide education linkage in Dhule.

Applications are invited for the following posts. The eligible candidate should submit their application within 15 days from the date of publication of this advertisement to the below institute address.(Permanent Non-Granted).

Post : Principal

No of post : 01

Category : Isolated

(1) Qualification as per the post of Professor as applicable.
(2) Post Ph.D publications and guiding Ph.D students is highly desirable.

Experience: Minimum of 10 years Teaching/ Research/ Industries experience of which at least 5 years should be at the level of Associate Professor, Minimum of 13 years experience in Teaching and/ or Research and/ or Industry.

In case of Research experience, good academic record and Books/ Research Paper/ Publications/ IPR/ Patent record shall be required as deemed fit by the expert members of selection committee.

If the experience in Industry is considered, the same shall be at Managerial Level equivalent to Professor with active participation record in devising/ designing, developing, planning, executing, analyzing, quality control, innovating, training, technical books/ research paper publication/IPR/ patents etc. as deemed fit by the expert members of the selection committee.

General Conditions:-
1. Service conditions and other rules will be as prescribed by the UGC, State Govt. and Kavayitri Bahinabai Caudhari North Maharashtra University.
2. The original certificates must be produced at the time of interview.
3. Candidates already employed must submit their applications through proper channel.

Nagaon Education Society’s
Gangamai College of Pharmacy
Nagaon, Tal. Dist. Dhule- 424005

Last Date : 15th September, 2019

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