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Applications are invited for Research Associate at Guru Jambheshwar University

Clinical research courses

Guru Jambheshwar University of Science and Technology started its journey on October 20, 1995 under Haryana State Legislative Act No. 17 of 1995 at Hisar, Haryana State of India to impart education on the frontiers of Technology, Pharmacy, Environmental Studies, Non-conventional Energy Sources, Mass Media and Management Studies.  Today the university is rock standing on three hundred seventy two acres of lush green land with 18 Teaching Departments classified in 10 Faculties for coordinated teaching in particular and effective governance in general.

Post : Research Associate

Applications are invited from highly motivated and dedicated candidates for the Positon of one Research Associate (RA) under Bioinformatics Infrastructure Facility for Biology Teaching (BIF) Program supported by Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science & Technology, Govt, of India, New Delhi.

Eligibility & Qualification : Ph.D. Degree in Biotechnology/ Bioinformatics with or without one year of post Ph.D. experience

Experience : Preference will be given to candidates having demonstrated experience of Plant Biotechnology/ Bioinformatics, creation of database, web designing, able to maintain intranet, LAN and Bioinformatics laboratory

Duties : Creation of database for plant and microbial genome, web designing, maintenance of Internet through Wi-Fi, LAN, training of students in Bio informatics, handing and knowledge of Bioinformatics software tools and techniques, conducting Bioinformatics based research and other day to day laboratory work, writing of reports and scientific research papers

Salary : Rs. 36000/- per month, 20% HRA as per DBT-BIF guidelines

Interested candidates should send their completed applications on plain paper along with a copy of Biodata upto 4th October, 2018 to the undersigned at and may appear for interview on 5th October, 2018 at 11:00 AM in the office of undersigned. The candidates are advised to bring all original certificates along with a set of attested copies of the same. The appointment of Research Associate will be made purely on temporary basis for a period of one year and is likely to be extended consequent upon DBT funding and can be terminated at any time without notice or without assigning any reason thereof by the Coordinator of BIF Program/Chairperson. The person engaged shall not be entitled for any claim implicit or explicit for absorption in the University. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the Interview.

Deptt of Bio & Nano Technology
Guru Jambheshwar University of Science & Technology
HiSAR-125001 (Haryana)

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