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Applications are invited for Junior Research Fellow at DRILS

Clinical research courses

DRILS is named after Late Dr. Kallam Anji Reddy, the Founder Chairman of the Institute. His vision and impetus led to the creation of the Institute, conceived as a means to forge a strong research bond between academia and industry. Its research center became operational in 2007. Since then, several research programs have been under way at the Institute, with scientists from industry and academic backgrounds being given the opportunity to explore their research ideas.

Post : Junior Research Fellow

Project Title
Virtual Centre of Excellence on Multidisciplinary approaches aimed at interventions against Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Phase 2)”, Module B: Project B2: Molecular inhibitors targeting essential enzymes like Chorismate mutase as potential new drug(s)

Funding Agency:  DBT (Junior Research Fellow: temporary position coterminous with the project)

- Junior Research Fellowship: Rs 25000/- per month plus 30% HRA (Total Rs 32,500/- per month) for first 2-Years.
- Senior Research Fellowship: Rs 28000/- per month plus 30% HRA (Total Rs 36,400/- per month) for only for those who already completed JRF for 2-Years.

The duration of the fellowship (JRF or SRF) is for two years. However, the performance of the candidate will be reviewed annually and the fellowship will be renewed only upon satisfactory performance. No claim could be made for the extension of this work into a PhD program during the project or later (No guarantee will be given for pursuing Ph.D during this project).

- Literature search. 
- Design, plan and execute experiments under the supervision of the PI. 
- Provide scientific support to the PI in his/her research activities. 
- Book keeping and maintenance of stocks and consumables.  

Essential Requirements: 
Post Graduate Degree in Basic Science with NET qualification or  Graduate Degree in a Professional Course with NET qualification or  Post Graduate Degree in a Professional course

1) Molecular Modeling: Experience in Molecular Modeling & Drug Design methods and software tools Candidates who have completed JRF for 2 years in the area of Molecular Modeling & Drug Design methods will be considered for SRF.

Candidates satisfying the above qualifications can send their curriculum vitae by e-mail to on or before 30th September, 2018. While applying please mention the specific area, i.e Molecular Modeling. Selected candidates will be called for a personal interview to Dr. Reddy’s Institute of Life Sciences, University of Hyderabad Campus, Gachibowli, Hyderabad soon after. The qualifying candidates are expected to start working within 2 weeks of their selection.

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