Application for the post of Scientific Assistant (Pharmacognosy) in HPL, Ghaziabad, are to be sent to Director, Government of India, Ministry of Ayush, Homoeopathic Pharmacopolia Laboratory, Kamla Nehru Nagar, Ghaziabad - 201002 (UP).
Post : Scientific Assistant (Pharmacognosy) - 01 (OBC) Rs. 5200-20200 (Level-5, as per 7th CPC)
Age: 30 years
Qualification Essential : M.Sc. degree in Botany from Recognized University/ Institution with about one year experience of research in Pharmacognostic identification of drugs. OR B.Sc. Degree in Science with Botany as one of the principal subject from any Recognized University/ Institution with about three years’ experience in a research laboratory on systematic botany or pharmacognostic identification of drugs.
Duties: To assist routine Laboratory work & Research work.
Place of work : Ghaziabad, Distt. Ghaziabad.
1. Separate applications are required for each post quoting advertisement no. and sl. no. of the post.
2. Self-attested photocopies of educational/reservation categories/experience certificates etc., if any should be enclosed with the application.
3. Upper age limit relaxable for SC/ST/OBC, EX-SERVICEMEN, Physically Handicapped, Widow, Divorce Women and Women judicially separated from their husband and Govt. servants etc. as per rules.
4. Only those SC/ST candidates who are not employed anywhere will be paid TA for attending interview, if admissible under rules.
5. Application in any case should not be sent to Central Employment Exchange/Local Exchange.
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