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Career for Pharmacists in Hindustan Aeronautics Limited

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Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL), a Navaratna Central Public Sector Undertaking, is a premier Aeronautical Industry of South East Asia, with 20 Production/Overhaul/Service Divisions and 10 co-located R&D Centers spread across the Country. HAL’s spectrum of expertise encompasses Design, Development, Manufacture, Repair, Overhaul and upgrade of Aircraft, Helicopters, Aero-Engines, Industrial & Marine Gas Turbines, Accessories, Avionics & Systems and Structural Components for Satellite & Launch Vehicles.

Post : Pharmacist

No of posts : 02 (1-UR 1-PWD-(OH-OL)

PUC(PCB) with D.Pharm 2 years

Note: the above number of vacancies is tentative and may vary on review. In that eventuality the number of vacancies reserved for various categories may also undergo revision.

Qualification Requirement
1) All qualifications should be from Indian Universities / Institutes recognized by appropriate statutory authorities in the country. Candidates possessing the qualifying Degrees through Full-Time courses will only be considered. Candidates possessing Part Time / Correspondence / Distance Education / Evening Courses/E-learning are not eligible to apply;
2) All the qualifications possessed by the candidates as also Qualifications/Courses being pursued by them at the time of submitting the application for Employment, are to be clearly indicated in the Application. In other words, all the Qualifications already possessed and Qualification/Courses which are being pursued/currently undergoing are to be indicated in the Application while submitting the same for notified Posts in HAL.
3) Candidates who possess the qualification higher than the qualification prescribed for the post, need not apply. If it is found at any stage of the selection that the candidate possesses the qualification higher than the qualification prescribed for the post, his/her candidature/selection will be cancelled without notice.


Selection Procedure
Eligible candidates shortlisted based on the initial screening will be selected ONLY through Written Test. “Candidates qualifying in the Written Test will be called for Document Verification in the order of Merit, wherein candidates will be required to produce Testimonials/Documents in support of Age; Qualification; Caste/ Tribes/Class; Experience and other advertised eligibility criteria. The Testimonials/Documents should be in the possession of the candidates as on 01.08.2017. Inability of the candidates to produce the requisite documents at the time of Document Verification shall render them liable for non-consideration of their candidature. No Undertaking for production of documents in respect of eligibility criteria with regard to Age; Qualification & Experience on a later date will be allowed.”

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Selection & Placement
>    There will be no negative marking in the Written test.
>    Final selection will be made on the basis of performance in the Written Test.
>    Selection of candidates in the written test is provisional and is subject to document verification as indicated above in terms of age, prescribed educational qualification, date of birth, experience, disability, sub-disability, caste(wherever applicable). The candidates should bring all the relevant original certificates / testimonials etc along with one set of self attested photo copies at the time of document verification.
>    Engagement of selected candidates is subject to Verification of Caste (wherever applicable) and Character & Antecedents from the concerned Authorities, as per the Rules of the Company.
> Candidates are required to bring their written test call tetter & any one of tee following original Photo Identity Card, along with Xerox copy of the Photo Identity Card duly attested, to prove their identity before the Invigilator failing which they will not be allowed to appear for the Written Test:-
i)   Voters ID Card
ii)   Driving License
iii)   Aadhaar Card
iv)   Passport
v)   PAN Card
vi)   ID Card (issued by Central/ State Govt. / PSU for their employees)
vii)   ID Cards (issued by Govt. Agencies authorized)
viii) ID Cards (issued by College/ Institute where they last studied)

Medical Examination
Candidates provisionally selected will have to undergo a Pre-Employment Medical Examination before joining HAL. Applicants should meet the Medical Standards as prescribed by the Company (Concerned Authority in respect of PWD candidates). Appointment of selected candidates is subject to receipt of satisfactory medical report from Company’s doctor as per the medical standards of the Company. No relaxation in Health Standards will be allowed.

Tenure Of Engagement
The selected candidates will be engaged on tenure basis for a maximum period of four years from the date of engagement. The tenure will come to an end automatically on completion of four years period from the date of joining, without any further notice. The employment can be terminated, at any time, during the period of tenure engagement, by giving one month’s notice by either party or payment of the Basic Pay + DA components in the Consolidated Remuneration in lieu of the Notice. The Tenure Based Engagement will not confer any right on the Personnel to claim the status of a regular employee of the Company.

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Places of Posting
Selected candidates will be posted at HAL, Medical & Health Unit, Bangalore. No requests for change of posting will be entertained after joining. However, Management reserves the right to post the candidate to any Division within Bangalore or outside Bangalore as per the requirements of the Company.

The candidates found suitable after due Written Test will be engaged as Staff Nurse / Lab-Technician/ Pharmacist/ Refractionist / Dresser on tenure basis for a maximum period of four years. The engagement is not against permanent vacancy and will not entitle any candidate to claim for regular / permanent employment in future. During the period of tenure engagement the candidates will be paid following remuneration:-



SCALE-04 (in Rupees) (pm.)

SCALE-05 (in Rupees) (p.m.)

SCALE-06 (in Rupees) (p.m.)

Basic Pay + Personal Pay




Other benefits & Allowances as per entitlement (Approx.)











How to Apply

> Eligible and interested candidates are required to apply online hosted on toe HAL website ( only. The website will be kept open between 10:00 hrs on 30.08.2017 till 10:00 hrs on 14.09.2017 for this purpose.
> Intimation letters have been sent to the candidates sponsored through Employment Exchange. Employment Exchange Candidates who have received communication from HAL advising to apply the post online with reference to this advertisement are required to mention the Reference No. and the Date of the HAL letter / Communication received by them while applying Online.
> Candidates are allowed to apply only once and applications once submitted cannot be altered under any circumstances. Candidates are required to possess a valid E-mail ID and Mobile number which is to be entered in the application blank, so that intimation regarding the written test, document verification, medical test etc. can be sent. HAL will not be responsible for bouncing of E-mail sent to the candidates.
> On submission and acceptance of the application, system will generate the registration acknowledgement form along with the application reference number allotted, which will be used for future reference.
> Request for change of mailing Address, category, Discipline as declared in the application will not be entertained.
> If the information / Certificates furnished by the candidates in any stage is found to be false or incomplete or is not found to be in conformity with eligibility criteria mentioned in the Notification, the candidature/engagement will be considered as revoked / terminated at any stage of recruitment process or after recruitment or joining , without any reference given to the candidate.
> The Applications have to be applied only through Online. Applications received in person or
through other modes viz. Fax/E-mail/Post etc. will not be accepted and will be summarily rejected.
> The last date for submission of the online application is 14.09.2017

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General Conditions
> Only Indian Nationals are eligible to apply.
> Candidates employed in Central / State Government/ Public Sector Undertakings etc., (including candidates engaged on Contract basis therein) should produce No Objection Certificate (NOC) at the time of document verification failing which they will not be issued with the Provisional Offer of Engagement and will not be eligible for payment of Travelling Allowance.
> No TA will be payable to candidates for attending Written Test.
> The Date, Time and Venue for Document verification will be intimated to the candidates who are provisionally selected in the Written Test via E-mail (in the E-mail ID provided in the Application Format by the candidate). The same will also be hosted on the HAL Website ( All correspondences to the candidates will be made via E-mail on the E-mail ID provided by the candidate at the time of online application. No other method of communication will be adopted. Necessary information regarding the selection, written test etc. will be hosted on our Website from time to time.
> Age and experience will be reckoned as on 01.08.2017.
> While applying for the post, the applicant should ensure that he/she fulfils the eligibility and other norms as mentioned above as on the specified dates and that the particulars furnished by him/her are correct in all respect. Furnishing wrong / incorrect information or suppression of relevant information will lead to rejection of candidature and the application will be out-rightly rejected.
> CGPA etc wherever applicable should compulsorily be converted into percentage of marks as per the University / Institution norms.
> Candidate must indicate the aggregate marks (of all semesters / years put together) obtained in PUC/ Diploma / Degree etc., in the application form.
> Screening and short listing for the Written Test will be based on the details provided by the candidate. Hence it is necessary that applicants should furnish only accurate, full and correct information.
> Appearance of the shortlisted candidates in the Written test is provisional and it does not entitle them for any claim for the post. They will be treated as debarred ab-initio at any stage of the selection process in case they do not fulfill essential eligibility criteria.
> Candidates will be required to submit all relevant certificates/testimonials(original along with one set of self attested photocopies) in support of Age, Educational Qualifications, Caste, Disability, Experience(wherever applicable), passport size photograph, Ex-servicemen discharge book etc at the time of Document verification.
> Persons with 40% or more relevant disability only are eligible to apply. Candidates are required to produce Original Disability certificate issued by the Govt. Authority at the time of document verification.
> Candidates belonging to OBC Category are required to submit the OBC Certificate not older than 06 months as on 01.08.2017 in the prescribed format, at the time of Document verification.
> The decision, of HAL in all matters relating to eligibility, acceptance or rejection of applications, mode of selection, Conduct of Written Test etc will be final and binding on candidates.
> Candidates shortlisted for Written Test will be purely provisional without verification of Age, Qualification, category (SC/ST/OBC / PWD / XSM etc.) of the candidates.
> Mere meeting the conditions of the Notification by the candidate(s) will not automatically entail them to be called for Written Test / Selection and engagement.
> HAL reserves the right to restrict/enlarge/modify/alter the requirements advertised, if need so arises without issuing any further notice or assigning any reason thereto. HAL also reserves the right to raise the eligibility criteria to restrict the number of candidates to be called for written test. The number of vacancies indicated in this notification is provisional and may increase or decrease or even become NIL depending upon the actual needs of the Company. HAL also reserves the right to cancel the notified vacancies at its discretion and such decision will be final and binding on all. In the event of cancellation of notified vaccines, the application fee paid by the candidate will not be refunded.
> Applicants having work Experience in Private Sector Organizations are required to submit an Experience Certificate on the letterhead of the Company at the time of document verification. The letter head of the Company should have details of the Company. Candidate having age relaxation will not be issued the provisional offer without producing experience certificate in the letterhead of the Company
> Any sort of Canvassing or Influencing of the Officials related to Recruitment/ Selection Process would result in immediate disqualification of the candidates.
> The decision of HAL in all matters relating to eligibility, acceptance or rejection of application, category (SC/ST/OBC/PWD/XSM etc.) of the candidates.
> Candidates should clearly mention all the details sought in the Application Format. In case of no clarity/discrepancy in the information provided, Application will be summarily rejected. No communication will be sent to the candidates.
> While applying for the post the applicant should ensure that he/she fulfills the eligibility and other norms as mentioned above as on the specified dates and that the particulars furnished by him/her are correct in all respect.
> Engagement of selected candidates is subject to receipt of satisfactory Medical Report from the Company’s Doctor as per the standards prescribed by HAL and verification of Caste, Character and Antecedents from the concerned Authorities as per the rules of the Company and Vigilance Clearance (As applicable).
> In case of any particular clarification/query, the candidates can write to HAL, Medical & Health Unit, Bangalore at
> Court of jurisdiction for any dispute/cause will be Bangalore.


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