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Applications are invited for Project Assistant at Banaras Hindu University

Clinical research courses

Banaras Hindu University ranks among the first few in the country in the field of academic and research output. This university has two campuses, 3 institutes, 16 faculties, 140 departments, 4 advanced centers and 4 interdisciplinary schools. The University is making its mark at the national and international levels in a number of frontier areas of Science, Social Science, Technology, Medicine and Agriculture etc.


Application are invited for the post of Project Assistant with the emoluments of Rs. 14,000/- + HRA per month for first two years and Rs. 16,000/- + HRA per month for the third year in a SERB, DST sponsored project [F. NO. EMR/2016/001396] entitled “Synthesis, characterization and pharmacokinetic evaluation of potent integrin antagonists for the prevention and treatment of fungal infections” (Project Code: P-07/655) sanctioned for a period of three years.

The post is purely temporary and co-terminus with the project. The candidates should hold M.Sc in Organic Chemistry or related area with at least 55% marks. The upper age limit is 28 years and relaxable of 5 years for SC/ST/Physically handicapped/ Female candidates. All things being equal, SC/ST candidates will be preferred as per GOI rules. Candidates with experience of research in the area of project or related field will be preferred.


Application on plain paper with complete Bio-data, including telephone no. and email address, along with attested copies of all mark sheets and certificates and details of experience, if any should reach within 21 days of this advertisement to Dr. Diksha Katiyar, Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, Mahila MahaVidyalaya, Banaras Hindu University, Varansi-221005, U.P. E. mail,

Please note that no TA/DA will be paid if called for interview.

Last Date : 14th October, 2017

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