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Recruitment for Pharmacists under Directorate of Health Services, 12 posts

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Recruitment for Pharmacists under Directorate of Health Services

On obtaining the approval of the Hon’ble Health Minister & Secretary (Health)/Mission Director NHM. It is proposed to fill up the following categories of posts purely on Contract basis for a period of one year under National Health Mission (NHM), Directorate of Health Services, Panaji – Goa.

Post : Pharmacist (AYUSH / RBSK) North Goa / South Goa

No of posts : 12 (UR - 08, OBC-02, ST-01, EWS-01)
i) B.Pharm / D.Pharm
ii) Registered with Goa State Pharmacy Council
Monthly Remuneration (Consolidated) : Rs. 12,000/-

1. The age limit for all these posts will be preferably not less than 18 years and not exceeding 40 years (relaxable as per instructions/orders issued by the Government from time to time) incase of SC/ST 5 years, OBC 3 years and PH 10 years are relaxable from the date of application). Age limit for the posts is 64 years. 
2. 15 years’ residence certificate is mandatory for all applicants with the exceptions mentioned below : 
a. The State Government employees who are working outside the State shall be exempted from producing15 year’s residence certificate for their children. 
b. A person whose marriage is registered in Goa, with the person having fifteen years’ residence in Goa, and both are residing in the State of Goa continuously for a period of 5 years. 
c. Ex-service men/women and their spouse and children, who are residing in Goa for the last two years after discharge/release/ retirement from the armed forces. 
3. Knowledge of Konkani is essential and Knowledge of Marathi is desirable. 
4. The selected candidate will be stationed in different parts of the State. 
5. The selected candidate shall have no claim in future for absorption in any regular job in State Govt. Service. 
6. This is a National Health Programme and the jobs created will not be regularized. 
7. Applications without valid council registration will not be entertained for specified posts. 
8. Hard copies of the application and all documents should be produced at the time of Interview. 
9. NHM-Goa reserves the right to modify or amend the terms and conditions or place of posting of the vacancy as per programme requirements at any stage without prior notice. Applications may be rejected at the discretion of the selection committee without providing any reason. 
10. Shortlisted candidates may be subject to background checks, verification of qualifications, and other assessments as deemed necessary by NHM-Goa. Failure to produce the necessary documents during the recruitment process may result in disqualification of the candidate.

The candidates fulfilling the above requirements for the post are requested to apply Online.
Last day to apply is 27th-Oct-2024.
Apply Online

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