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Summer Research Fellowship Program for Students and Teachers 2023

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Summer Research Fellowship Program for Students and Teachers 2023

 The three national Science Academies offer several two-month Summer Fellowships to enable students/teachers (studying/teaching in India) to work with scientists associated with the three Academies during 2023. A copy of the application format, instructions to applicants including eligibility criteria, and a list of names of scientists/faculty who have consented to guide students/teachers to work on short-term projects is displayed in the online application. 

Applications are invited from interested students and teachers from all universities and colleges affiliated to UGC/AICTE/MCI/Accredited Institutions/Private Universities for these Fellowships. Student applicants should provide the email id of one of their teachers familiar with their work. The Academy will approach them for a recommendation letter in the prescribed format. The selected candidate should work with the assigned guide for two months any time during the calendar year, preferably during the summer.

Eligibility criteria
6a) Applicants should be studying in one of the following:
• BS / BSc (II year only)
• BSc (Research) (III year only)
• BStat / BMath (II year only)
• BPharm (III and IV years only)
• BE / BTech / BCA (II and III years only)
• BArch (II, III and IV years only
• MS / MSc / MVSc / MPharm (I year only)
• ME / MTech / MCA / MArch (I year only)
• MStat / MMath (I year only)
• 5-year integrated) MS / MSc /MTech / MBBS / BVSc (II, III, IV years only)
• PharmD (III, IV years only)
• (dual degree) BTech + MTech (II, III, IV years only)
• (dual degree) BE + MSc (II, III, IV years only)
• dual degree) BS + MS (II, III, IV years only)
• Integrated PhD (I, II years only)
• MSc Tech (I, II years only)

6b) Teachers must be teaching in a College/University.
7) The minimum percentage of average marks in core subjects only (i.e. excluding languages) from X std. up to post-graduation (whichever years completed) should be 65% or above for students. The minimum percentage of average marks does not apply for teachers.
8) PhD students are not eligible.
9) Applicants who have availed the Academies fellowship twice before are not eligible to apply.

• The applicant should include a write-up (in about 150‐250 words) as to the specific area of the applicant and indicate what the candidate would like to learn and achieve through this fellowship. It can also include the specific experiment or theory that the applicant wants to work on but NOT a general description of the area. The write-up should not be a "copy and paste" job from any source.
• Do not use special/scientific characters like Ø Ü the software will prevent you from uploading the application with such characters.

Enclosures to application
• Both student and teacher applicants must upload scanned versions of mark sheets from class X till the last examination in JPEG Format (the size of each marks sheet should not exceed 700 kb). 13) Teacher applicants should upload their publications, if any. On selection, an authorization letter from the Principal/HoD that necessary permission/leave of absence will be granted should be sent by post to the Coordinator, SRFP 2024, Indian Academy of Sciences, Bengaluru 560 080.
Other matters
• Student applicants must upload the contact details of one of their present teachers. The Academy will get in touch with the teacher and obtain the recommendation letter.
• All decisions regarding the selection of candidates will be at the sole discretion of the Academies. Any grievance or dispute concerning SRFP 2024 shall be addressed to the Academy whose decision thereon shall be final.
• If a candidate is found at any point of time to have submitted false information, the fellowship will be cancelled, and the candidate will be asked to pay back the fellowship amount/travel allowance etc. that has been paid. Further guide of the candidate and the Institution in which the candidate is currently studying will be informed of the matter.
• Without prejudice to above, only the courts at Bengaluru city shall be the fora for seeking judicial remedy, if any, for any dispute or grievance.

• Academy means Indian Academy of Sciences, Bengaluru. Academies mean Indian Academy of Sciences (Bengaluru), Indian National Science Academy (New Delhi), and The National Academy of Sciences, India (Prayagraj).
• Guide means a person from the list of scientists/faculty approved by the Academies as guides.
• All correspondence should be addressed to :
Ms M S Roopashri
Coordinator, Summer Research Fellowship Program
Indian Academy of Sciences
CV Raman Avenue, near Mekhri Circle
Bengaluru 560 080

1) Application should be submitted online in the prescribed format. This link is available in the websites of the three Academies (;;
2) Its mandatory to upload the marks sheets from class X till the last examination. Please have the scanned versions of mark sheets (in JPEG format - the size of each marks sheet should not exceed 700 kb), before starting to fill up the application.
3) Only one application per candidate will be considered. If more than one application is submitted, none of the applications will be considered.
4) Answers to columns indicated by an asterisk (*) are mandatory and must be filled.

The last date for receipt of applications online is 15 November 2023.

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