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Recruitment for Research Scientist at NIMHANS, Pay Rs. 85000 pm

Clinical research courses

Recruitment for Research Scientist at NIMHANS

The National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences (NIMHANS) is a multidisciplinary institute for patient care and academic pursuit in the field of mental health and neurosciences.  NIMHANS is synonymous with providing high standards of clinical care, quality training and cutting-edge research in the frontier areas. Combined priorities for comprehensive patient care, manpower development and research, stem from the commitment to an integrated and multidisciplinary approach which addresses societal needs.

Post : Project Research Scientist - II (Non-Medical)

Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the following post on contract basis for the ICMR project entitled "Human skeletal muscle disease biobank (Phase II) - Extension of services and establishment of genetic profile and stem cell culture facility" under Dr. Nandeesh B N, Additional Professor of Neuropathology.

Essential Qualification
PhD in Life Sciences/Biochemistry/Biotechnology/Genetics/Neuroscience

Experience in working on Neuropathology and Neuromuscular disorders, molecular biology techniques, cell cultures, next generation sequencing analysis etc. Experience of supervising staff/students. Experience and knowledge in
• Nucleic acid extraction from different sources (blood, muscle tissue, cultured cells), Genotyping (PCR, RT-PCR, qPCR & MLPA).
• Primer design, validation of mutation by Sanger sequencing and data analysis by codon code aligner and SeqScape software.
• Sampling the patient DNA for whole exome sequencing and exome analysis using Franklin software.
• Bisulfite pyrosequencing and quantification of methylation by Pyromark software.
• Processing and cryosectioning of muscle biopsy, muscle histology and enzyme histochemistry.
• Biochemical assays using Tecan (spectrophotometer plate reader) - mitochondrial complex assays, antioxidant assays, cell viability, membrane potential, ROS production etc. •Proteomics analysis- processing the human muscle tissues, data analysis and validation.
• Experience in handling patient’s fibroblast cells, myoblast, cell line, generation of mitochondrial cybrids, processing the cell lines for immunofluorescence, cell viability, seahorse and other functional assays.
• Imaging and imaging tool usage
• Data interpretation and statistical analysis by GraphPad prism and excel tools.
• Experience in basic animal handling techniques.
• Sound knowledge in mitochondrial biology

Project responsibilities
1. Overall supervision of laboratory focused on Neuromuscular disorders
2. Oversee recruitment of patients in co-ordination with clinicians.
3. Supervise project staff for undertaking sample collection, cell biology and molecular biology experiments.
4. Preparation of project report/Manuscript writing.
Maximum Age limit : 40 years
Salary Structure : Rs. 67,000/- + 27% HRA per month

Duration of Employment : 1 year (Initial appointment will be for 6 months which will be extendable depending upon the satisfactory performance of the candidate)

Eligible candidates fulfilling the criteria, apply by filling application link (online). All the required documents along with NOC from the Principal Investigator if working in projects (Extramural/Intramural) in NIMHANS, must be uploaded in the following link. The last date for receipt of applications along with the relevant documents is 21 days from the date of notification (published date 13.10.2023).

Selection process includes written examination and personal interview, Applications received later will not be entertained. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview. The Institute reserves the right to select a suitable candidate. The prescribed essential qualifications are the bare minimum and mere possession of same won’t entitle the candidate to be considered.

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