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Project work for M.Pharm, MSc, M.Tech at NIAB

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Project work for M.Pharm, MSc, M.Tech at NIAB

NIAB, an autonomous institute under the aegis of the Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science & Technology, Government of India, is aimed to harness novel and emerging biotechnologies and create knowledge in the cutting edge areas for improving animal health and productivity. The Institute’s research focus is on animal genetics and genomics, transgenesis, stem cell & its applications, reproductive biotechnology, infectious diseases, nanotechnology, bioinformatics and Nutrigenomics. The Institute aims at translational research leading to genetic enhancement of Indian Livestock species and basic research towards development of novel vaccines, diagnostics and improved therapeutic molecules for farm animals.

The Institute provides opportunities for outstanding students to carry out project work under the supervision of the Institute’s scientists towards partial fulfilment of their postgraduate degrees (of at least SIX months’ duration; Session I: January - June, 2024).

Students pursuing Master's degrees (e.g., MSc, MVSc, MPharm, MTech, and integrated M.Sc.) in any branch of life science are eligible to apply. Those who are in their first year of Master’s, or have completed their Master’s degree and Bachelor’s degree students are not eligible to apply.

The applications must be mandatorily accompanied by the following documents, and absence of any one of the documents could result in rejection/disqualification of the application.
1. Copy of letter of admission to the course the student is enrolled.
2. Copy of mark/grade sheet of the latest semester/year, clearly showing the subjects covered.
3. Letter of recommendation/testimonial from the HOD or Principal clearly stating the Admission No., Year of Admission, the Current Semester, official Leave of Absence, and statements declaring the conduct of the student (all are a must).

Initial screening based on eligibility criteria and documents submitted will be followed by an on- line exam on an indicated day and time. Further details on the exam will be posted in due course. Candidates will be selected based on performance in the exam, and may further be interviewed.

The conditions for the training are as follows
a. Students will be assigned a lab by NIAB. Preference given by the students may be considered but not final. The committee's decision will be final and not subject to any legal issues.
b. The students will need to pay a non-refundable fee of Rs. 25,000 (training/bench fee) to undergo training at NIAB. Withdrawal from the program after 21 days will lead to forfeiture of the fee.
c. The students need to prepare a report/dissertation, which needs to be vetted and signed by the supervisor, and the report submitted to the college/university must contain this page. A copy of the report/dissertation has to be submitted to the supervisor.
d. A certificate of training will be provided by the supervisor at the end of the training term. However, a minimum of 80% attendance is required for this.
e. All leaves will need to be recorded through the submission of leave forms/letters, and approval by the supervisor.
f. Along with documents that the selected students submit to the Admin, they need to submit a declaration that will be shared at the time of offering the trainee position.
g. NIAB will not provide any accommodation, transport, food or insurance of any kind to the trainees, and the trainees are expected to make their own arrangements for the same during the training period.

Applicants must mention their broad area of interest in the application. No fixed numbers of trainees are available each year, and the intake will be based on the requirement of the faculty.

Program duration : January 1 to June 30, 2024
Applications are to be filled ONLINE.
Online application start date : Oct 13, 2023.
Online application end date : Nov 4, 2023.
Late applications will not be considered.
Selected candidates will be informed at each stage.

Candidates must fill online application form at, and are advised to and are advised to do so well in advance to avoid last-minute technical issues. There is no need to send a hard copy. Interim enquiries will not be entertained. Original documents in support of date of birth, educational qualifications, and experience certificate, if any, are required to be submitted at the time of joining.

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