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Applications are invited for Junior Research Fellow at NIMHANS

Clinical research courses

Applications are invited for Junior Research Fellow at NIMHANS

The National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences (NIMHANS) is a multidisciplinary institute for patient care and academic pursuit in the field of mental health and neurosciences.  NIMHANS is synonymous with providing high standards of clinical care, quality training and cutting-edge research in the frontier areas. Combined priorities for comprehensive patient care, manpower development and research, stem from the commitment to an integrated and multidisciplinary approach which addresses societal needs.

Post : Junior Research Fellow (JRF)

Applications are invited from eligible candidates, for the post of “Junior Research Fellow” (JRF)  on contract basis for the DBT funded project entitled “Assessment of Parkinson’s disease- associated LRRK2 I1371V mutation on astrocyte biology and function in presence of extracellular  alpha-synuclein using Indian Ethnicity Patient Specific iPSCs: implications in precision medicine for PD” – under the guidance of Dr. Indrani Datta, Additional Professor, Department of Biophysics & Principal Investigator, NIMHANS.

Essential Qualification : M.Sc OR M.Tech OR in any field of science/Life science/ Biotechnology/ Physiology / Biophysics/ Biochemistry with a good academic record, and CSIR-NET/UGC/ICMR/INSPIRE qualification 
Additional Experience : Candidates with some experiences of molecular biology are  encouraged to apply. 

Nature of Work : During the course of the project, candidate will learn to culture induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs), differentiation of iPSCs to dopaminergic neurons & astrocytes, Confocal imaging, Live cell fluorescence imaging (for intracellular Ca2+ response, Store operated Ca2+ entry), Flow cytometry (immunophenotyping, apoptosis, mitochondrial membrane potential), Multi-Electrode array (MEA) for electrophysiology from iPSC derived dopaminergic neurons and in rodent midbrain slices. He/She will gain expertise in biochemical (WB and qRT-PCR) and other biophysical techniques (Ultracentrifugation, Spectrophotometry, Dynamic Light Scattering) too. The project will involve gene transfection. Candidates will be encouraged to apply for PhD (depending upon their performance, enthusiasm and research aptitude).

Maximum Age Limit : 28 Years
Emoluments : Per Month Rs.31,000/- + 24% HRA = Rs.38,440/- per month
Duration of the Project : 3 years  (Initial appointment will be made for a period of six months and will be extended further depending upon the performance of the candidate).

Eligible candidates fulfilling the criteria may apply on a plain paper with the resume, age proof and copy of the testimonials addressed through e-mail to The candidates who apply should take NOC from the Principal Investigator if working in projects (Extramural/Intramural) in NIMHANS and should invariably mention the Notification no, Date, Email ID, Contact no and Postal address without fail, otherwise the applications will not be considered. The last date for receipt of filled in application together with the relevant documents is 06-11-2023. Applications received later will not be entertained. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview.

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