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Vacancy for Scientist at SCTIMST

GPAT courses

Vacancy for Scientist at SCTIMST

Originally established by the Government of Kerala as an advanced centre for medical specialties, Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences and Technology SCTIMST metamorphosed into an Institution of National Importance with the status of a University in 1980 under the Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India by an Act of Parliament. The joint culture of medicine and technology that the Institute pioneered more than three decades ago has come of age and gained unprecedented acceptance in India. Imbued with an inclination to venture into less-trodden domains, the Institute focuses on patient care of high quality, technology development of industrial significance and health research studies of social relevance.

Post : Scientist - B (Temporary)

No of post : 04 [ST-1 backlog (existing) & SC-1, OBC-1, UR-1 (expected)]
Duration : 179 days

Qualification (Essential) : 1st Class M Sc in Chemistry / Biochemistry / Polymer Science / Biotechnology
Experience (Desirable) : 1 year experience in the development of biomaterials including synthesis and processing of polymers for medical applications, Expertise related to tissue engineering such as synthesis of polymeric biomaterials and scaffold development, animal cell culture and biochemical analysis, knowledge of various sophisticated instrumental methods for qualitative analysis of tissue engineered constructs and technologies for clinical translation. Knowledge in computer operation.

Job Description : To conduct routine activities of Tissue engineering lab. To conduct experiments related to scaffold development, animal cell culture and biochemical analysis. To handle sophisticated equipments like 3D printer, Electrospinning and other analytical testing equipments.
Monthly emoluments : Rs. 47000/- (Consolidated)
Age limit as on 31,08.2022 : 30 years

Walk in Interview
Date & Time of Interview : 26-10-2022
Time of reporting Mode of selection : 10:00 Am
Venue : Biomedical Technology Wing, Satelmond Palace, Poojappura, Thiruvananthapuram-695 012

Those who fulfill the above requirements may report for an interview as per the above schedule along with bio¬data, original certificates and copies to prove age, qualifications, experience , a valid caste certificate (for SC/ST candidates) and a valid non-creamy layer certificate (for OBC candidates) at the time of Interview in the prescribed format applicable for employment in Central Government Institutions issued by a Revenue Officer not below the rank of a Tahsildar. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview. Candidates reporting after 10.15 AM will NOT be considered for selection. Candidates already in service have to produce a No Objection Certificate from the present employer at the time of interview.

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