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NCCS PhD Program Admission 2023 session

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NCCS PhD Program Admission 2023 session

The National Centre for Cell Science (NCCS), an autonomous organisation aided by the Department of Biotechnology, Government of India, was established to facilitate cell biology research in the country.  NCCS is located within the academically-enriched campus of the Savitribai Phule Pune University (SPPU). Since its inception, NCCS has been performing cutting-edge research in cell biology, providing valuable services as a national animal cell repository, and supporting human resource development through various teaching and training programmes.

Ph.D. Admission- MARCH-2023

NCCS, Pune, invites application from eligible candidates for admissions to Ph.D. programme of March - 2023 session. The candidates should be bonafide Indian citizen, having a consistently good academic record with strong motivation to pursue research in modern biology leading to a Ph.D. degree and with eligibility mentioned below should apply for the same. Candidates with a post-graduate degree and having valid Junior Research Fellowship from CSIR/UGC/DBT (Category I)/ICMR/ BINC/DST-Inspire, all are eligible to apply.

Candidates with post-graduate degree, who do not have a fellowship but have qualified JGEEBILS examination conducted by NCBS/TIFR held in December, 2021 are also eligible to apply. However, candidates shortlisted by NCCS criteria will only be called for interview. A limited number of fellowships will be provided by NCCS to the selected students, who do not have fellowship (from CSIR/DBT/ICMR/UGC/DST- Inspire/BINC) but have qualified JGEEBILS. Submission of application to NCCS-Ph.D. programme does not automatically guarantee that a candidate will be shortlisted for interview.

I. Candidates should have Masters (postgraduate) degree in any branch of Sciences with interest in pursuing research in Modern Biology, having at least 55% or equivalent Grade Point Average (GPA) (A relaxation of 5% of marks, shall be allowed for SC/ST/OBC and Persons With Disabilities) and with a valid fellowship from CSIR/UGC/ DBT/ICMR/ BINC/ DST-Inspire.
II. Candidates with post-graduate degree, who do not have individual fellowship but have qualified JGEEBILS exam conducted by NCBS/TIFR in December, 2021 will be eligible to apply. Candidates will be shortlisted based on JGEEBILS results by NCCS criteria for interview. NCCS decision in this regard will be final.
III. Candidates who have qualified only for Lectureship in CSIR-UGC (NET) and the “Project list of ICMR” are not eligible.

Notes :
• Students should apply Online. Form Link :
• Students facing issues for receiving OTP while registering online, may use mail-id other than gmail-id. For any other technical query while applying online, please send an email to mentioning the subject as, “Ph.D. Admission Query.” All further announcements / details pertaining to this process shall be published ONLY on from time to time.
• NCCS’s Ph.D. program is a full-time program. The selected candidates may have to stay on campus.
• Hostel Accommodation, in Campus is available on sharing basis @ Rs. 100=00 per day, on first cum first serve basis.
• Other terms and conditions of the fellowship will be directed by the funding agency awarding the fellowship. The upper age limit for JRF shall be 28 years which is relaxed up to 5 years in the case of candidates belonging to SC/ST/Women/PWD and 3 years in case of OBC candidates, or as applicable.
• Fellowship will be activated as per the respective funding agencies guidelines on Direct Benefit Transfer basis. NCCS will not be responsible for providing fellowships.
• Reservation will be as per Government of India guidelines.
• SC/ST/OBC candidates should also attach true copy of Caste Certificate / Latest non-creamy layer certificate along with the application and originals should be produced at the time of joining.
• The last date for receipt of applications is 6th December, 2022.

Shortlisted candidates fulfilling NCCS criteria will have to appear for an online interview to be held at NCCS during 17th , 18th, and 19th January, 2023. Detailed eligibility conditions are given hereunder.

1.  Last date for receipt of online applications : 6th December, 2022
2. Publication of list of shortlisted candidates called for Interview at NCCS, on website. : 26th December, 2022
3. Date(s) & Time of online interview : 17th, 18th & 19th January, 2023 from 9.00 am onwards
4. Declaration of Result of the interview : 23rd January, 2023
5. Interaction and Finalization of Guide: Before 2nd February, 2023
6. Expected date of joining at NCCS : 1st March, 2023

Last date for receipt of online applications : 06.12.2022

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