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Life Sciences recruitment at AIIMS

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Life Sciences recruitment at AIIMS

The establishment of the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) at New Delhi in 1956 was a dream project of first Prime Minister of India, Shri Jawahar Lal Nehru  and this was executed by first Health Minister of India Mrs. Raj Kumari Amrit Kaur through an act of Parliament known as AIIMS Act.  However, in last 50 years it was realised that there was huge regional imbalance with respect to the availability of tertiary healthcare services that are affordable as well as reliable, ameliorating available facilities for quality medical education by establishing a vital figure of doctors and conducting research activities, with peculiar relevance to the area, in the country.

Post : Senior Research Fellow (01 No.)

Applications are invited for the post of SRF for the project entitled "Evaluation of the role of Vitamin D receptor (VDR) polymorphisms on the efficacy of calcitriol therapy in stage 3 to 5 chronic kidney disease (CKD): A prospective double-blind study." funded by ICMR, New Delhi. Duration of the project is for 03 years.

Salary : Rs. 35,000/- pm plus HRA @24%

Qualifications Required :
(i) M.Sc.(Life Sciences) OR
(ii) MBBS/M.Tech degree holders

Age Limit : 18-35 years

Exeperience : (i) Two years research experience
(ii) Nil

Note : The position is purely temporary and research project-based.

Interested candidates may submit their application with copies of relevant documents in a sealed envelope, labeled as "Application for the post of............." at the below mentioned address or may be e-mailed as scanned documents to below mentioned email id on or before 05-11-2021 Shortlisted candidates will be called for interview by email only.

Dr. Sudip Kumar Datta
Principal Investigator-ICMR project
Addl. Professor,
Dept, of Laboratory Medicine, Room no-05, Second Floor,
Teaching Block, AIIMS, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi-110029.

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