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Direct Recruitment for Lecturers, Assistant Professors under Public Service Commission

Clinical research courses

Direct Recruitment for Lecturers, Assistant Professors under Public Service Commission

The A.P. Public Service Commission came in to existence on 1st November, 1956 with the formation of the State of Andhra Pradesh. Before this, there was Andhra Public Service Commission in the Andhra State and Hyderabad Public Service Commission in the Hyderabad State. Andhra Service Commission came in to existence only in 1953 after the bifurcation of composite Madras State into Andhra and Madras States.

Post : Lecturers / Assistant Professors in Homoeo in Ayush Department

No of Posts : 02 PHARMACY

Educational Qualifications
a) Must possess a Post Graduation Degree in Homoeopathy awarded by a University in India established or incorporated by or under Central Act or Provincial Act or an Institution recognised by the UGC or any statutory board of the State Government .
b) As per the Gazette of India No.67 , dated 08-03-2013, Para 6 & 6( A) in subjects namely Organon of Medicine, Homoeopathic Meteria Medica , Homoeopathic pharmacy, Repertory , the essential qualification is Post Graduate qualification in Homoeopathy preferably in the concerned subject. The qualification shall be the one included in Second Schedule of Homoeopathy Central Council Act, 1973. Prefernce shall be given to those candidates who holds experience of working as R.MO. and/or House Physicians in a Homoeopathic Hospital attached to a Homoeooathic Medical College permitted by Central Council/ Central Govt.
c) As per the Gazette of India No.67 , dated 08-03-2013, Para 7 & 7(A) in subjects namely Anatomy , Physiology, Pathology, Forensic Medicine and Taxicology , Surgery, Gynecology and Obstetrics, Practice Of Medicine and Community Medicine, the essential qualification is Post Graduate qualification in Homoeopathy. The qualification shall be the one included in Second Schedule of Homoeopathy Central Council Act, 1973. Prefernce shall be given to those candidates who holds experience of working as R.MO. and/or House Physicians in a Homoeopathic Hospital attached to a Homoeooathic Medical College permitted by Central Council/ Central Govt. OR “Post Graduate Medical Degree in concerned subject recognised by the Medical Council of India. Preference shall be given to those candidates who holds experience of working as R.M.O. and /or House Physicians in a Hospital attached to a Medical College permitted by Medical Council/Central Government.
d) Must be a permanent Registered Medical Practitioner within the meaning of the Law for the time being existing in the State.

i. He / She is of sound health, active habits and free from any bodily defect or infirmity rendering him unfit for such service:, His / Her character and antecedents are such as to qualify him/her for such service:,
ii. He /She should possess the academic and other qualifications prescribed for the post: and
iii. He/ She is a citizen of India: Provided that no candidate other than a citizen of India may be appointed except with the previous sanction of the State Government and except in accordance with such conditions and restrictions as they may be laid down. Such sanction shall not be accorded unless the State Government are satisfied that sufficient number of citizens of India, who are qualified and suitable are not available.

1. There will be reservations in direct recruitment in respect of Scheduled Tribes, Scheduled Castes, Backward Classes, Economically Weaker Sections, Physically Challenged, Women and Meritorious Sports Person as per Rule 22 and 22 (A) of A.P. State and Subordinate Service Rules.
2. In the case of candidates who claim the benefit of reservation or relaxation from upper age limit on the basis of Caste/Tribe or Community the basic document of proof of Community will be the Certificate issued by the Revenue Authorities not below the rank of Tahsildar in the case of SC/ST/EWS and Non Creamy Layer Certificate issued by the Revenue Authorities in the case of Backward Classes. The list of Caste/Tribe/Community is as incorporated in Schedule-I of above Rules. The list is also appended at Annexure –IV. The candidates have to produce proof of the community claimed in their application at all stages of selection along with the certificates relating to educational qualifications and local status certificates etc.,. Subsequent claim of change of community will not be entertained.
3. The person with disability means a person suffering from not less than forty percent of any disability as certified by a medical authority except hearing Impairment. Hearing Impairment means loss of sixty decibels or more in the better ear in the conversational range of frequencies which corresponds to 85 dBs Hearing threshold on the audiogram in the better ear i.e., 85 dB hearing level in audiogram – 25 dB upper limit of normal hearing = 60 dB hearing loss as per provision under “Person with Disabilities Act, 1995”.
4. Caste & Community: Community Certificate issued by the competent authority in terms of G.O. Ms No. 58, SW (J) Dept., dt.12/5/97 should be submitted at appropriate time. As per A.P. State and Subordinate Service Rules, Rule -2(28) Explanation: In so far as claiming for SC reservation is concerned, No person who professes a religion different from Hinduism shall be deemed a member of Schedule Caste. However, scheduled caste converts to Buddhism deemed to be scheduled caste. BCs, SCs, STs & EWS belonging to other States are not entitled for reservation.
5. There shall be Reservation to Women horizontally to an extent of 33 1/3% in terms of rule 22 -A of APSSS Rules as per G.O. Ms. No. 63, GA (Ser-D) Dept., dated: 17.04.2018.
6. The reservation to meritorious sports persons will apply as per G.O.Ms.No.13, GA (Ser-D) Dept., dated: 23.01.2018, G.O.Ms.No.74, Youth, Advancement, Tourism and Culture (Sports) Dept., dated: 09.08.2012, G.O.Ms.No.473, Youth, Advancement, Tourism and Culture (Sports) Dept., dated: 03.12.2018 and G.O.Ms.No.08, Youth, Advancement, Tourism and Culture (Sports) Dept., dated: 23.11.2020.
7. Evaluation of various physical disabilities and procedure for certification will be as per orders contained in G.O.Ms. No. 56, WD, CW & DW (DW) Dept., dated 02.12.2003 and G.O.Ms. No. 31, WD, CW & DW (DW) Dept., dated 01.12.2009.
8. Reservation to BC-E group will be subject to the adjudication of the litigation before the Hon’ble Courts including final orders in Civil Appeal No: (a) 2628-2637 of 2010 in SLP. No. 7388-7397 of 2010, dated. 25/03/2010 and orders from the Government.
9. The candidates claiming status of non-creamy layer of Backward Class have to obtain a Certificate in terms of G.O. Ms. No. 3, Backward Classes Welfare (C-2) Department, Dated 04.04.2006 read with G.O. Ms. No. 26 Backward Classes Welfare(C) Department, Dated 09.12.2013 regarding their exclusion from the Creamy Layer from the competent authority (Tahasildar) and produce the same at appropriate time of verification. In case of failure to produce the same on the day of verification, the Candidature will be considered against open competition if he / she is otherwise eligible in all aspects.
10. Economically Weaker Sections means the persons who are not covered under existing scheme of reservations for the SCs, the STs and Socially and Educationally Backward Classes and whose gross annual family income is below Rs.8.00 lakh are identified as Economically Weaker Sections for the benefit of reservations. The persons seeking the benefit of reservation under EWS category shall obtain the necessary EWS Certificate issued by the Tahsildar concerned and produce at an appropriate time to the Commission as per G.O.Ms.No:73 GA(SER-D)Dept,Dt:04-08-2021.

1. Applicant must pay Rs. 250/- (Rupees two hundred and fifty only) towards application processing fee and Rs 120/- (Rupees One Hundred and twenty only) towards examination fee.
Note: If candidate is eligible for more than one post is required to pay the fee for each post and apply each separately .
2. However, the following categories of candidates are exempted from payment of examination fee Rs.120/- only.
i) SC, ST, BC, PH & Ex-Service Men.
ii) Families having household supply white card issued by Civil Supplies Department, A.P. Government. (Residents of Andhra Pradesh)
iii) Un-employed youth as per G.O.Ms.No.439, G.A (Ser- A) Dept., dated: 18/10/1996 should submit declaration at an appropriate time to the Commission.
iv) Applicants belonging to the categories mentioned above (except Physically Handicapped Persons & Ex-Service Men) hailing from other States are not entitled for exemption from payment of fee and not entitled for claiming any kind of reservation.
v) Candidates belonging to other States shall pay the prescribed examination fee of Rs.120/-( Rupees One Hundred and twenty only), along with processing fee of Rs. 250/- (Rupees two hundred and fifty only) through different channels as indicated at Para-8. Otherwise such applications will not be considered and no correspondence on this will be entertained.

i) The fee mentioned in the above paragraph is to be paid online using payment gateway using net banking/ credit card / debit card. The list of banks providing service for the purpose of online remittance of fee will be available on the website.
ii) The fee once remitted shall not be refunded or adjusted under any circumstances. Failure to pay the examination fee and application fee (in non-exempt case) will entail total rejection of application.
iii) IPOs / Demand Drafts are not accepted.
iv) In case of corrections Rs.100/- per correction will be charged. However changes are not allowed for name, fee and age relaxation.

STEP-I : The applicant who desires to apply for the post shall login the Commission’s Website with his/her registered OTPR number. Candidate applying for the first time for any notification has to first fill the OTPR application carefully to obtain OTPR ID. While filling the OTPR, the candidate has to ensure that the particulars are filled correctly. The Commission bears no responsibility for the mistakes, if any, made by the candidates. If candidates choose to modify they may do so by clicking the modify OTPR make the modification, save them and proceed to STEP-II.
STEP-II : The applicant has to Login the Commission’s website with the user name (OTPR ID) and the Password set by candidate. After Login, the applicant has to click on the “Online Application Submission” present in the bottom right corner of the Commission’s website.
PAYMENT PROCESS : The applicant now has to click on the payment link against the notification number that he wants to apply. The basic details required for calculation of the fee and age relaxation will be pre-populated from the OTPR data. The applicant has to verify all the details that are displayed. Once the payment form is submitted, the respective details (used for calculation of fee and age relaxation) will not be altered in any stage of application processing. Hence if any details are to be changed, applicant should use the modify OTPR link, modify the details, save it and again click on application payment link.
STEP-III : After checking all the data and ensuring that the data is correct the applicant has to fill application specific data such as Local/Non Local status, white card details etc., which are also used to calculate the fee. Once all the data is filled appropriately, the applicant has to submit the payment form. On successful submission, the payment reference ID is generated and is displayed on the screen. By clicking “OK” the applicant is shown the various payment options where he/she can select any one among them and complete the payment process as given on the screen.
STEP-IV : Once the payment is successful, payment reference ID is generated. Candidates can note the payment reference ID for future correspondence. Thereafter the applicant is directed to the application form. Applicant should provide the payment reference Id generated along with the other details required for filing the application form (other fields like OTPR ID and fees relaxations details will be pre-populated from the data submitted in the payment form for respective notification). The applicant should check the data displayed thoroughly and should fill the application specific fields like qualification details, examination centre etc., carefully and submit the application form. Once the application is submitted successfully then application receipt is generated. The applicant is requested to print and save the application receipt for future reference/correspondence.
NOTE : Applicant shall note that the data displayed from OTPR at the time of submitting the application will be considered for the purpose of this notification only. Any changes made by the applicant to OTPR data at a later date shall not be considered for the notification on hand.
STEP-V : In any case if the payment process is not submitted successfully, then the applicant should start the fresh payment process as mentioned in STEP-II.
STEP-VI : Once the application is submitted successfully, correction in application form will be enabled. The corrections can be made in the application form itself. Fields which affect the name, fee and age relaxations are not enabled for corrections.

1. Applications are invited online for recruitment to the post of Lecturers / Assistant Professors in Homoeo in Ayush Department for a total of 24 Fresh Vacancies in the scale of pay of Rs.35,120 - 87,130/- from candidates within the age group of 18 – 42 years as on 01.07.2021.
2. The candidate shall apply online through Commission’s Website from 07/10/2021 to 28/10/2021 (Note: 27/10/2021 is the last date for payment of fee upto 11:59 mid night).
3. The applicant who desires to apply for the above post shall login the Commission’s Website, with his/her registered OTPR number. In case the candidate is applying for the first time to the posts notified by A.P.P.S.C. he/she shall register his/her bio-data particulars through One Time Profile Registration (OTPR) on the Commission’s Website viz., Once applicant registers his/her particulars, a user ID is generated and sent to his/her registered mobile number and email ID.
4. The selection to the post shall be on the basis of Written Examination in Computer Based Recruitment Test mode conducted by the Commission. The Dates of Written Examination will be announced separately.
5. The candidates are required to visit the Commission’s website regularly to keep themselves updated about dates of written examinations are to be held. The examination would be in objective type and questions are to be answered on computer system. Instructions regarding computer based recruitment test are attached as Annexure - III. The medium of Examination will be English only.
6. A general Mock Test facility is available to the applicants on the Commission’s website to acquaint themselves with the computer based recruitment test. Applicant can visit the website and practice the answering pattern under MOCK TEST option available on main page of website
7. The applicant is required to visit the Commission’s website regularly to keep himself / herself updated until completion of the recruitment process. The Commission’s website information is final for all correspondence. No individual correspondence by any means will be entertained under any circumstances.
8. HALL TICKETS for the written Examination will be hosted on Commission’s website for downloading. Instructions would be given through the website regarding downloading of Hall Tickets.
9. All desirous and eligible candidates shall apply online after satisfying themselves as per the terms and conditions of this recruitment notification. Any application sent through any mode other than the prescribed online mode will not be entertained under any circumstances. Submission of application form by the candidate is considered that he / she has read the notification and shall abide by the terms and conditions laid down there under.


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