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Recruitment for Pharmacists (08 posts) in South Eastern Coalfields Limited

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Recruitment for Pharmacists (08 posts) in South Eastern Coalfields Limited

South Eastern Coalfields Limited Subsidiary of Coal India Limited, a Govt, of India Undertaking engaged in Coal Mining activities in Chhatisgarh and Madhya Pradesh invites applications from the Indian Nationals for filling up the following backlog vacancies under Special Recruitment Drive for SC & OBC physically handicapped persons, who fulfill the requisite qualifications.

Post : Pharmacist T&S Gr. C

In the prescribed form for the selection of the following posts in respect of the vacancies available as per the Manpower Budget 2020-21 from the eligible departmental employees working in the various fields / units of SECL, applications are invited through the appropriate.

No of Posts : 08 (SC-1, GEN(UR)-7)

Minimum Qualification : Must be Matriculate having passed Pharmacist exam from an Institute recognized / approved by Govt, and registered with Pharmacy council with valid registration under Pharmacy Act 1948

Marking Pattern for Selection
Written Test : 100 Marks
Computer Proficiency Test : Not Applicable
Marks for Qualification : Not Applicable
Total marks : 100 Marks

General instructions
1. Sample of Application Form - Annex (1) is attached to this notification.  Applicants are advised to read and complete the attached sample carefully.  The said application form can also be downloaded from SECL's web-site
2. Only applications made in the prescribed form from departmental employees working in SECL for notified posts will be accepted.  
3. Last date for receipt of applications at SECL areas / unit level date -29.10.2020 (Thursday) Incomplete applications and applications submitted after the last date will be rejected.  
4. The applying employee has to clarify in his application that the nature of his work is underground (surface) or surface.  
5. The following documents are required to be attached with the application by the applicant
(a), self-signed copy of mark sheet and certificate in relation to educational qualification (b) self-signed copy of mark list and certificate in respect of technical qualification
(c).  Caste certificate of SC / ST category (rank of officer issuing caste certificate should be Tehsildar or above).
6. Junior Technical Inspector T & S GRADE - D and Junior Comist T & S GRADE - D Employees applying for both posts will be required to give preference (Preference / Option) at the point prescribed in the application form so that they pass the written examination for both posts.  On being selected, only one post will be selected.

Information / guidelines regarding forwarding of applications by the Regional / Unit Personnel Department:
1. Chief Manager (Ka / NEE) through the Personnel Officer / Control Officer / Regional Personnel Manager of the unit of SECL Headquarters, Bilaspur.  
The date of receipt of application in the office will be as follows.
(A). Last date for receipt of SCAND COPY ( in NEE e-mail ID) - dated 05.11.2020 (Thursday)
(B).Last date for receipt of hard copy (in original form) - date 12.11.2020 (Thursday)
2. While forwarding the application form, the bio data soft copy (which is attached as Annexure-II) is also to be transmitted by the unit / area in the axle sheet to e-mail id  
3. The photocopy of the documents' certificate submitted by the applicant is to be matched with the relevant original copy.
4. All entries in the application are to be verified by checking the service book.  
5. Employees against whom departmental disciplinary proceedings will be pending till the completion of the selection process will not be eligible for selection to the said post.  If any disciplinary action is initiated after forwarding the application form, the information (including details of charge sheet) is to be forwarded to the Chief Manager (CA / NEE) SECL at the earliest.  
6. The desired confidential annual performance report and annual attendance (by adding authorized leave) of the applicant employee is to be made available in the prescribed form.
7. If the confidential report of the concerned applicant / employee is poor (Poor) or less than the annual attendance, 190 days of BhoomiGa employees and 240 days of Surface employees, will not be eligible for the notified post and such employees are not forwarded from the application area  To be done .  The concerned applicant is expected to be informed of the reason for not forwarding the application.  
8. If the applicant employee is appointed during the year 2019 and he completes one year in the year 2020, in such a situation his confidential annual performance report for the year 2019-20 as well as the report of the year 2020-21 (minor year)  Have to do.  Again, the attendance details of the year 2020 will have to be mentioned one year before the date of notification (including 2019 and year).

Send Other necessary conditions regarding selection
1. Salary of selected employees will be protected as per rules. 
2. Selected employees will be posted in various areas of SECL as per vacancy and requirement.  Therefore, departmental staff should submit the application thoughtfully while making the application.  Depriving the applicant / employee for two (2) years in connection with any future selection process in the event of not accepting the request for cancellation of the post at the appointed place after selection or after taking charge  (Debard) will be done. 
3. The applications received in the written examination will be scooted at the headquarters level.  After Scootney, the list of applicants whose applications will meet the required qualifications will be released.  Subsequently, written examination / computer proficiency test will be conducted centrally at SECL Headquarters, Bilaspur under cadre scheme for qualified workers.  Examination date and exam date will be given separately. 
4. Candidates concerned will be eligible for TA / DA as per rules to participate in the selection process.

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