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Multiple Vacancies in Forensic Science Laboratory

Clinical research courses

Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the following posts on contract basis with fixed emoluments.

Senior Analyst (Senior Scientist)
No. of Posts  : 01
Eligibility criteria  :  M.Sc. degree in Chemistry / Bio Chemistry / Toxicology / Bio Technology / Zoology / Micro Biology / Genetics/ Molecular Biology / Physics / Applied Physics / Computer Science / Electronics /Forensic Science (with Chemistry / Physics / Zoology / Computer Science / Forensic Science as one of the subject in B.Sc) AND With experience of working in a Forensic Science laboratory or any Scientific Institution in the capacity of Laboratory head or Ph.D in respective discipline of Science with two year post doctoral experience.
Age limit : Below 45 years. In case of retired person the age limit is below 63 years.
Emoluments consolidated (Rs. Per month) : 40,000/-
Remarks : In case of retired employee s no link with pension.

(i). Analyst(Scientist) -Biological Sciences
No. of Posts  : 01
Eligibility criteria  :  M.Sc. degree in Zoology/Bio Chemistry / Bio Technology / Micro Biology / Genetics / Molecular Biology or Forensic Science (with Zoology/Botany/Bio chemistry/Forensic Science as one of the subject in B.Sc) preferably with Ph.D. Desirable: Experience in a Forensic Science laboratory or any Scientific organization/Institution as a reporting officer. Preference will be given to those who have experience and specialization in the field of DNA testing.
Age limit : Below 40 years In case of retired person the age limit is below 63 years.
Emoluments consolidated (Rs. Per month) : 35,000/-
Remarks : In case of retired employee s no link with pension.

(ii).Technician(Jr.Analyst) -Biological Sciences
No. of Posts  : 01
Eligibility criteria  :  B.Sc degree in Zoology / Bio Chemistry / Bio Technology / Micro Biology / Genetics / Molecular Biology / Forensic Science with Lab Technician Course and with One year experience in a laboratory or any Scientific organization/Institution.. Or M.Sc degree in Forensic Science / Bio Chemistry / Bio Technology/ Micro Biology/Genetics /Molecular Biology. Desirable: Preference will be given to those who have experience and specialization in the field of DNA testing.
Age limit : Below 35 years
Emoluments consolidated (Rs. Per month) : 20,000/-

(i).Analyst(Scientist) - Chemical Sciences
No. of Posts  : 02
Eligibility criteria  :  M.Sc. degree in Chemistry/Bio Chemistry / Toxicology / Forensic Science (with Chemistry as one of the subject in B.Sc) preferably with Ph.D.
Desirable: Experience in a Forensic Science laboratory / Scientific organization / Institution as a reporting officer. Preference will be given to those who have experience and specialization in the field of Toxicology, Narcotics, Explosives and Forensic Chemistry.
Age limit : Below 40 years In case of retired person the age limit is below 63 years.
Emoluments consolidated (Rs. Per month) : 35,000/-
Remarks : In case of retired employee s no link with pension.

(i).Analyst(Scientist) - Chemical Sciences
No. of Posts  : 02
Eligibility criteria  :  M.Sc. degree in Chemistry / Bio Chemistry / Toxicology / Forensic Science (with Chemistry as one of the subject in B.Sc) preferably with Ph.D..
Desirable: Experience in a Forensic Science laboratory/Scientific organization/ Institution as a reporting officer. Preference will be given to those who have experience and specialization in the field of Toxicology, Narcotics, Explosives and Forensic Chemistry.
Age limit : Below 40 years In case of retired person the age limit is below 63 years.
Emoluments consolidated (Rs. Per month) : 35,000/-
Remarks : In case of retired employee s no link with pension.

(ii).Technician(Jr.Analyst) -Chemical Sciences
No. of Posts  : 02
Eligibility criteria  :  B.Sc degree in Chemistry/Bio Chemistry/Forensic Science with Lab Technician Course and with One year experience in a Laboratory / Scientific organization/Institution. Or M.Sc degree in Forensic Science / Bio Chemistry. Desirable: Preference will be given to those who have experience and specialization in the field of Toxicology, Narcotics, Explosives and Forensic Chemistry.
Age limit : Below 40 years In case of retired person the age limit is below 63 years.
Emoluments consolidated (Rs. Per month) : 20,000/-

(i).Analyst(Scientist) - Physical Sciences
No. of Posts  : 02
Eligibility criteria  :  M.Sc. degree in Physics / Applied Physics/Chemistry/Computer Science/ Information Technology / Cyber Security / Electronics / M.C.A or Forensic Science (with Physics / Chemistry/ Computer Science/Forensic Science as one of the subject in B.Sc) preferably with Ph.D. Desirable: Experience in a Forensic Science laboratory/Cyber related Laboratory/scientific organization/Institution as a reporting officer. Preference will be given to those who have experience and specialization in the field of Cyber Forensics/Cyber Crime investigation/computer operation/ photography and Questioned Documents examination. Knowledge of Tamil to read and write is essential. Knowledge of Telugu/Malayalam/Hindi in addition to English is also desirable
Age limit : Below 40 years In case of retired person the age limit is below 63 years.
Emoluments consolidated (Rs. Per month) : 35,000/-
Remarks :  In case of retired employee s no link with pension.

ii. Technician(Jr.Analyst) - Physical Sciences
No. of Posts  : 02
Eligibility criteria  :  B.Sc degree in Physics/Chemistry/Computer Science/Electronics or Forensic Science with One year experience in a Cyber Laboratory/Scientific organization/Institution.. Or M.Sc degree in Forensic Science/ Computer Science / Electronics.
Desirable: Preference will be given to those who have experience and specialization in the field of Computer Forensics/ Cyber Crime investigation/computer operation/ photography and Questioned Documents examination. Knowledge of Tamil to read and write is essential. Knowledge of Telugu/Malayalam/Hindi in addition to English is also desirable
Age limit : Below 35 years
Emoluments consolidated (Rs. Per month) : 35,000/-
Remarks :  In case of retired employee s no link with pension.

Filled in application shall be sent to the OSD / Director, Forensic Science Laboratory, Kirumampakkam Police Station Complex, Kirumampakkam, Puducherry 607403 on or before 23.10.2020.

1. (a) All the candidates found eligible for the posts of Senior Analyst / Analyst will be selected after an Interview.
(b) The eligible candidates found eligible for the post of Technician (Jr.Analyst), will be selected by written examination/interview based on the number of applications received..
2. The appointment will be one year for Senior Analyst / Technician(Jr.Analyst) and will be extended based on performance and willingness till regular establishment is created whichever is earlier.
3. The persons selected as Analyst/Technician(Jr. Analyst) should be prepared to undergo training for a minimum period of 6 months at Forensic Science Laboratory, Chennai/Hyderabad.
4. These posts are for limited period only. The selection will not give any right for regular appointment in future.
5. Application should be submitted in the prescribed format along with the attested copies of the certificates in support of age, educational qualifications and experience certificate.
6. Filled in application in complete shape shall be sent to the Director, Forensic Science Laboratory, Kirumampakkam,Puducherry-607403 on or before 23.10.2020
7. Incomplete application in any manner will be summarily rejected without making any reference to the candidates.
8. All original certificates should be produced at the time of interview.
9. Decision of the Chairman, Forensic Development Board will be final in the process of selection and no request disputing the decision will be entertained.

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