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pharma courses



  • Vacancy for Research Scientist, Technical Support at NIMR - PG in Life Sciences, Biotechnology, Bioinformatics Apply

    National Survey for Community Perspective Assessment and Preventive Strategies for Malaria Control in Selected Malaria Endemic States, India. Liaisoning with the state officials, private health facilities. Project implementation, data collection at study sites.
  • Genpact looking for Strategic Forecasting Manager - M.Pharm Apply

    Genpact Limited, a global leader in business process and technology management services, leverages the power of smarter processes, smarter analytics and smarter technology to help its clients drive intelligence across the enterprise. Genpact’s Smart Enterprise Processes (SEP) framework, its unique science of process combined with deep domain expertise in multiple industry verticals, leads to superior business outcomes.

    Post : Manager - Strategic Forecasting-COR024766

  • Opening for MPharm or MSc at GTU Innovation and Startup Center Foundation

    Atal Incubation Center – GTU Innovation and Startup Center Foundation (AIC-GISC) promoted by Gujarat Technological University supported by Atal Innovation Mission, NITI Aayog aims to foster the culture of Innovation and entrepreneurship by supporting technology based start-ups & developing an ecosystem which is conducive for innovation, where start-ups and new ventures thrive.

    Post : Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Project Manager, Deputy Manager

  • Recruitment at Syneos Health in safety and PV - home based

    Syneos Health is an end-to-end, fully integrated biopharmaceutical solutions company that works differently. At Syneos Health, all the disciplines involved in bringing new therapies to market, from clinical to commercial, work together to create customer success. Our unique Biopharmaceutical Acceleration Model delivers value across the small to mid-size to large customer continuum.

    Post: Safety & PV Ops Specialist II (21010520)

  • Vacancy for Distribution Executive at Koye Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd

    Koye was launched to seek, identify and introduce to the market, essential drugs in areas of Speciality Primary Care, Respiratory, Gynaecology, IVF, Diabetology, Metabolics that are unmet by the national and the international pharmaceutical companies.

    Post : Executive - Distribution

  • Walk in interview for M.Pharm, MSc, B.Pharm in QC Department at Maithri Drugs

    MSN Group is one of the fastest growing manufacturers of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs) and Finished dosages in India. Established in the year 2003, MSN Group comprises of 330 API manufacturing plants (including one for Oncology), three finished dosage facility ( including one for Oncology)and a dedicated R&D Center . Our plants are ISO 9001-2000 certified, WHO: GMP, EU:GMP and USFDA approved. Our manufacturing units are designed to confirm to the principles of Quality, Safety and sound Environment.

  • Packing Junior Officer Job at Cipla | B.Pharm, BSc

    Cipla, as an organisation has been built brick-by-brick on the foundation of care. Caring For Life has always been and continues to remain, our guiding purpose. Driven by the same purpose, we have extended our presence to 80+ countries providing over 1,500 products across various therapeutic categories in 50+ dosage forms. To make healthcare more affordable globally, we are deepening our presence in the key markets of India, South Africa, the U.S. among other economies of the emerging world.

  • Job for B.Pharm, MSc in Packing, Regulatory Affairs at Lupin Pharmaceuticals

    Lupin Pharmaceuticals, Inc. is the U.S. wholly owned subsidiary of Lupin Limited, which is among the top six pharmaceutical companies in India. Through our sales and marketing headquarters in Baltimore, MD, Lupin Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

    Packing Officers
    Candidature : B.Pharm/ M.Sc., with 2-5 years of experience in primary and secondary packing machines
    Packing Operators
    Candidature: D.Pharm/ DME with 2-5 years of experience in primary and secondary packing machines

  • Require Market Development Manager at Koye Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd

    Koye was launched to seek, identify and introduce to the market, essential drugs in areas of Speciality Primary Care, Respiratory, Gynaecology, IVF, Diabetology, Metabolics that are unmet by the national and the international pharmaceutical companies.

    Post : Market Development Manager - 11 Posts

  • Walk in interview for M.Pharm, B.Pharm, MSc in Quality Control, Quality Assurance at Zydus Cadila

    Zydus Cadila, a leading Indian Pharmaceutical company is a fully integrated, global healthcare provider. With in-depth domain expertise in the field of healthcare, it has strong capabilities across the spectrum of the pharmaceutical value chain.

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